Now that's just sad… I'm not quite sure if they really mean what they said, or if it's just a code for "that's a subject that's too controversial for us to even begin to touch, so we're just going to say no"... Kinda makes you wonder, doesn't it?

Posts made by MrMazda
RE: Petition Asks Bert And Ernie To Get Married On Sesame Street
RE: OMFG!!! BERT and Ernie scandal…....
OMFG!! This is flippin' brilliant!
RE: Gay Blood Ban Finds Support: Naperville Anti-Gay Group Pushes To Uphold Policy
and if we had a blood shortage and an abundance of gays willing to give blood, I'm sure that the dying people will be more than willing to accept their blood.
I agree… This "organization" is nothing more than an example of why the human race is doomed through their own stupidity. It's a pretty sad state of affairs actually.
RE: S.F. gay married couple loses immigration battle
This is infuriating to say the least… On top of trying to hide behind a "case by case basis" bullshit, which apparently means nothing, they're tearing a PHA (Person with HIV/AIDS) away from their primary source of care. In addition to tearing apart a marriage, they're also fucking with the health and well-being both physically and mentally of one of their OWN CITIZENS!
Since when is it a policy of the United States government to endanger the lives of the people that they are sworn to protect? I can foresee a pretty massive lawsuit coming into place here based on the fact that stress is one of the key factors involved in maintaining a reasonable CD4 count. Imposing such a stress on a PHA in this regard would be the absolute worst thing you could possibly do for their health for this fact alone, much less the other contributing factors. This makes it official... I have officially lost ALL faith in the US Government. They're more of a dictatorship than a democratic society. They seem to think they can police the world and do whatever the fuck they want and try to justify it at the same time. This is truly sickening.
RE: The 100 Point Sexual Purity Test
It could be worse… You could have been branded as being "Totally Depraved" lol
Not mentioning any names... :whistle:
RE: Sex!!! Condom or bareback?
Trust me, my opinion is not without careful thought and consideration. So please respect that.
As long as you know what you're getting yourself into, you are always free to do as you please. My only one qualm with respect to the condom or bareback is that it is my personal advice that you make sure you take proper steps and know the facts, risks, etc. before stepping into territory that you may not necessarily want to be getting yourself into. From the sounds of it, your situation is much different than most gay men as well… let's face it... most gay men are sluts. :lolp: It's just the fact of the matter.
I just speak with a very strong opinion on the subject on account of having been lead down the wrong path by trusting the wrong person. One night was all it took, but in reality, it could have been passed down to me at anytime within just over a 6 month period. Just know what you're getting yourself into and be careful who you trust. There are people out there who will lie to you deliberately to try and infect you with things like HIV... I should know.
RE: Suggestion - Video quality ratings
If it is possible to do so, yes… It should also be noted that the DVD is a shrink if it has been run through something like DVD Shrink. That just makes things much better all around for all users involved.
RE: Using a proxy website- Anyone in Turkey?
Normally, we frown upon the use of a proxy, however in your case, it is clear that there is no choice in the matter. I have made an adjustment to your account to ensure that during this period, your account will not be affected should you use a proxy to be able to connect.
RE: Ford votes alone against funding for HIV/AIDS programs
Yet the funny thing is that he wonders why most of the population of the city of Toronto want him out of office ASAP… I can tell ya....
RE: Keeping chickens
It just so happens that my father owns a chicken farm. The farm does both chickens that are beheaded and sent through the process to end up on the shelves in your grocery store, as well as some that are used for the purpose of producing eggs.
Ford votes alone against funding for HIV/AIDS programs
Ford votes alone against funding for HIV/AIDS programs
Source: hxxp://
Andrea Houston / Toronto / Saturday, July 16, 2011Once again, Mayor Rob Ford was the lone member on city council to vote against grant money earmarked for HIV/AIDS-related programs.
The grant was even supported by rightwing councillors Doug Ford, Doug Holyday and Michael Thompson.
But not the mayor. In a stunning 37 to one vote at the very end of the day on July 13, Ford said no to budgeted funding for the AIDS Prevention Community Investment Program (APCIP), a program that reaches more than 250,000 people through outreach and workshops.
Councillors who were absent from the vote include Paul Ainslie, Maria Augimeri, Josh Colle, Gary Crawford, Glenn De Baeremaeker, Giorgio Mammoliti and Karen Stintz.
The APCIP allocation was for $1,679,000, to be used between July 1, 2011, and June 30, 2012.
Mayor Rob Ford was again the only vote against funding for HIV/AIDS-related programs. (Andrea Houston)The funding pays for outreach workers and funds projects at several vital community organizations, including at the 519 Church Street Community Centre, Action Positive, Africans in Partnership Against AIDS, the AIDS Committee of Toronto, the Alliance of South Asian AIDS Prevention, the Black Coalition for AIDS Prevention, Central Toronto Community Health Centers, Fife House, the Hassle Free Clinic, Native Child and Family Services, Youthlink and Schools Without Borders, to name a few.
Black CAP’s chair, Angela Robertson, tells Xtra that the grants support a community of people who are often marginalized and face tremendous stigma and discrimination.
“The kinds of services that the mayor has voted against are part of invisible yet essential services in our communities,” she says. “We need the support of the city for prevention work that these grants support. It’s incomprehensible why the mayor would vote against these kinds of supports. But it’s heartening to know that these grants were approved.”
The projects target gay and bisexual men, injection drug users, women and men from countries where HIV is endemic, people living with HIV/AIDS, gay youth, trans populations, at-risk youth, sex workers and incarcerated men and women.
There is no financial impact beyond what has been approved in the city’s 2011 approved operating budget, the city report states.
The vote capped two days at council that saw Ford vote against six other community development grants programs that improve the lives of the city’s seniors, immigrants, the poor and the disabled. The community development and recreation committee recommended that the city give 259 groups a total of $7.2 million. Some of the groups include Etobicoke Services for Seniors, Cabbagetown Youth Centre, the New Canadian Community Centre and Variety Village.
The mayor was defeated 43 to one when he tried to halt funding for Access Equity and Human Rights, the Community Recreation Investment Program, the Community Safety Investment Program, and Community Festivals and Special Events Investment Program.
Much like his days as a city councillor, Ford made a point of telling city council he opposes them all. Ultimately, all the grants passed.
If he had got his way, the move would have further affected marginalized black communities that are targeted through outreach, Black CAP’s Michael Went points out.
“That’s funding that helps marginalized black communities. After the vote, he then goes out to celebrate the launch of Caribana.”
It’s not the first time Ford has voted against funding earmarked for HIV prevention strategies. In February, the mayor was the only member of council to vote against accepting $100,000 from the provincial government to establish screening programs for syphilis and HIV.
Ford has consistently voted against the APCIP every year since 2006.
Preview: Outfest 2011
Preview: Outfest 2011
By Eddie Shapiro
Source: hxxp:// second annual roundtable discussion about the joys and challenges of making queer films with directors, actors, and writers featured in this year's Outfest, the Los Angeles gay and lesbian film festival.
Wed Jul 06 2011
It’s that season in L.A. again. Post-Pride and just as the weather really starts heating up, the buzz begins. Banners flap in the wind, up and down Santa Monica Boulevard, heralding the dates; gays descend on the boutiques on Robertson to find the right outfit for the Opening Night Gala; and tickets are snapped up by the fistful. It’s Outfest: 11 days of GLBTQ films, 600 or so parties, industry panels, a huge gala, and some of the best schmoozing of the year. Here in the land of film, Outfest isn’t just a film festival – it’s a holy week.
In anticipation of the 29th annual Outfest, which starts tonight, Out hosted its second annual Outfest roundtable at the French Market Place, a West Hollywood mainstay. There, with '70s disco blaring from aged speakers, we talked to a quartet of men whose work in and on wildly divergent films will be part of the festival: Q. Allan Brocka, director and writer of Eating Out 4 (and the original Eating Out); Adrian Gonzalez, actor in the quiet drama, August; John Lavin, director of the documentary _From Hollywood to Dollywood;_and Matt Ludwinski, star of the cautionary Hollywood story, Going Down in LA-LA Land.
Out: I want to start by asking you all the same question I asked of last year’s group. As GLBTQ characters find their way into mainstream film and television with increasing regularity, do we still need Outfest, and if so, why?
Brocka: I think we do. Outfest is more than just having gay characters onscreen. It’s the whole experience of sitting in a theater with a gay audience – this community that’s come together to experience a story. That doesn’t really happen when something airs on TV or comes out in the theaters. You don’t get the sense of community that a festival brings. It will be nice when that’s the only thing the festival does, but right now, it also helps inspire industry people to think to include gay characters and gay story lines because so many people around them are talking about the festival and this great experience.
Lavin: And speaking in broader terms of gay film festivals in general, we shot From Hollywood to Dollywood all across the South. There are festivals there that are super stoked that there’s a film that talks about the Southern gay experience. There’s still a need for them.
Brocka: Smaller communities are really limited for things gay people to do as a group. I just went to a gay film festival in Dubai, where homosexuality was illegal until two years ago. There aren’t even gay bars there. It’s one of the biggest cities in the world and there isn’t a single gay bar, but they have a queer film festival.
Gonzalez: And you showed Eating Out? Were they able to handle it?
Brocka: They were! It was an amazing experience. The entire community seemed to be coming together around this film festival. And it’s the first time these people were gathered in a room with other gay people without being worried about getting caught. There is a lot of work still to be done that film festivals can do.
There was a time when the issues covered in gay films were somewhat limited to AIDS and coming out. Now we have evolved beyond that, but I think that the current commonality is characters seeking acceptance.
Lavin: In my film, I think it’s sad and depressing that these two 36-year-old brothers still call their mother three times a day. They are with her right now to explain the movie to her because she won’t see it. I think, Cut her out of your life! As soon as you do that you won’t have these problems and eventually she will come around. I really struggled with how much of the coming-out story to put in to the film because I feel like it’s been done to death in gay cinema, and the reaction of some people has been “We’ve seen it!” But people in middle America still need to hear this story.
Will Latest Attempt to End Gay Blood Ban Work?
Posted on July 27, 2011 01:15:00 AM ET
Source: hxxp:// Latest Attempt to End Gay Blood Ban Work?
By Neal BrovermanThe U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is once again looking at changing its policy that bars men who have sex with men from donating blood.
HHS described the current policy as "suboptimal" and asked a group of experts, known as the Blood, Organ, and Tissue Safety Working Group, to look into ways of changing it. As it stands, any man who had sex with another man since 1977 cannot donate blood. A new policy could allow certain gay or bisexual men, possibly those who have abstained from homosexual sex for a certain time, to donate.
“This announcement by HHS means we’re moving in the direction of finally ending this antiquated and discriminatory policy,” Rep. Mike Quigley told the National Journal. “Senator [John] Kerry and I will continue to push for a behavior-based screening process both in the name of fairness and a safer blood supply.”
RE: [US] - Republican Tea Party leader arrested for computer piracy
See… There's two mistakes that they made here. The first was trying to make a profit off of counterfeit software, and the second was when they got caught, they refused to refund... Sad... Truly sad how low some people will sink for money. Although I pirate software myself, any of the software and such that I sell are actually legitimate copies so that in the event that anything should happen, I can still have the backing behind my product.
RE: Its all cumeaternc's fault
Really hot: what about a good fuck? :cheesy2:
I agree… That's one fine man rod ya got goin' on there.
RE: Heterosexual Pride Day Called For By Sao Paulo Council
Maybe we should all fly over there and hold up God hates straight people signs with some bible verses…lol. :rotfl:
Turnabout is fair play...right?
I love the way your evil mind works lol… I'm in... Sign me up!
RE: Italy rejects anti-homophobia bill
Last year, the Italian leader brushed off criticism, saying: “It’s better to be passionate about beautiful women than to be gay.”
Wait a minute… Let's back this up a few steps here. What about if you're a woman? Is it then still better to be passionate about beautiful women than to lust over a hunk a hunk a studly man? I'm just saying... There's more than one way to intemperate such a statement.
RE: Gay couple asked to reverse shirt at Dollywood
Let's back this up here for just one second… Since when is a statement like "marriage is so gay" an offensive and non-family statement? I know in Canada, such a thing would be in direct violation of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, section 19, which outlines that each and every individual is entitled to and has the right to express their own opinion. This also holds true under the constitution in the United States, where this is more commonly referred to as "Freedom of Speech".
That being said, they're absolutely right that families come in a wide range of different types at this day and age. It's funny how people will turn their back on a gay statement, yet something like walking in with a shirt with a huge pot leaf on the front is perfectly acceptable. This much I do know as I have visited that park wearing just such a shirt once. It was all black with a huge pot leaf background, and large white letters across the top that read "C.I.A.". Below that in white text it read "Cannibals Inhalers Association". Funny how closed minded some people are at this day and age, isn't it?
RE: Man Arrested for Filming Coworkers with Hidden Urinal Camera
Regardless of where the camera was placed, his reputation would be ruined in either event. That being said however, you are correct in that regard. That was something I didn't think of myself. As for the part about a sex crime, I'm not entirely sure as to how that would be classified. I personally don't see how this would constitute a sex crime as there was no sexual act involved, however given the nature of the situation, I'm sure that there are some that will disagree. In either event, it will be interesting to see how things turn out.