Actually… I have reviewed your torrent, and although it is already posted on the tracker, there is a difference. The version that already exists on the tracker is in WMV format and is substantially smaller in size. Since your version is both in a different format and is of far superior quality (> 10% size difference), this upload still qualifies for approval.

Posts made by MrMazda
RE: Duplicate Torrent
RE: Duplicate Torrent
It will get flagged in the review process by a moderator as a duplicate and automatically get purged from the system. Since it would clearly be an upload coincidence, no action will be taken against you for uploading a duplicate torrent.
RE: Sex!!! Condom or bareback?
It's amazing what a little education can do
Just think… There are some people out there that can look forward to a hunch back, beer gut, and decaying teeth...
RE: Sex!!! Condom or bareback?
To be perfectly honest: I've have barebacked since being single. There come moments when you just want to; at least for me anyway, and I've taken the risk.
Please don't take this the wrong way, but I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I truly do not think you fully understand the risk that you are taking with this type of action. It is a proven fact that the raise in sexually transmitted infections is at an all-time high, and the consequences of making the wrong decision are much greater than I'm quite sure that you even realize.
By no means am I saying that you are "wrong" for making such a choice because in this world everyone is both entitled to their opinion and have the right to choose what is "right" for them. By the same token, undoubtedly, I completely agree that the feeling of sex bareback is by far more pleasurable. All I'm saying is that there is a lot more at steak than most people think. Aside from the whopping $1533.53 per month that it costs me for the medications required in order to keep my immune system from shutting down and ultimately keeping me alive, there's much more than just the monetary value of the medications to take into account. To be specific, here's a few of the key things to take into account.
1) I volunteered at ACCKWA (the Aids Committee of Cambridge, Kitchener, Waterloo, and Area) since 2000, and in that time was exposed to a wide range of information on the subject of HIV, as well as it's ins and outs, as was my obligation in order to do so working along side medical professionals in the field. Despite this knowledge and having the upper hand in that regard by already being armed with this information, I assure you that for even the most well educated individuals, there is absolutely nothing that can prepare you emotionally or mentally for the news of finding out that you are HIV+. In fact, even to the most well educated person out there, being diagnosed with HIV is a seriously life altering event that I promise you will send you into a mental melt down right away. To make things worse, this initial shock period that will come within the first approximately year from diagnosis doesn't really go away. This brings me to point number 2.
2) Statistically speaking, 96% of all persons infected with HIV are not long thereafter diagnosed with depression if they have not already gone into such a downward spiral. In fact, of that 96% of people who are eventually diagnosed with depression caused by the news of their HIV diagnosis, 63% of those people attempt suicide within 3 months of diagnosis. This opens a whole new can of worms when it comes to the treatment of HIV, as there are other risk factors involved in that equation, which brings me to point 3.
3) Although HIV is broken down into 2 major "types" when running a ginotype test to determine the particular strain of HIV that has infested your body (Type 1 and Type 2), there are also drug resistances that can also come part and parcel with the strain of HIV that you become infected with. This presents an even bigger problem when examining what the best medication regime to suppress the virus within your system. Atripla for example (a commonly used HIV all-in-one medication) is known for such side effects as increased risk for depression and/or thoughts or acts of suicide, among other mental stability issues. Shockingly enough, this isn't the only medication to do this. Even in a more traditional medication regime, the use of a Protease-Inhibitor such as Reyataz or Sustiva are also known for this effect. In short, you're opening a can of worms for a potentially bigger problem, which could inevitably cost you your life. Having a resistance to certain medications may also severely limit the options available for HIV treatment. The sad reality is that not all medication resistances are common or for that matter, easy to work around with a carefully crafted medication regime. In a lot of cases, doctors will avoid the use of such medications in persons who show potential signs of being prone to these risks. There are a few alternative treatments to avoid such complications however, so this does not inevitably mean that when diagnosed you will fall into this risk category. The number 1 most commonly used and effective work around to such medication regimes is the use of Truvada, which opens a whole new can of worms to say the least, as it does with other medications such as Prezista, which is often mixed with Truvada, which brings me to point 4.
4) I can tell you first hand that some of the side effects of the medications aren't exactly anyone's "cup of tea". Although each person will react and respond to the various medications differently, there are a lot of common side-effects that most people don't even know about that aren't so pretty. For example, did you know that with Truvada (the #1 most commonly used HIV medication in a regime), some side effects include dizziness, nausea (in most cases bad enough to cause a person to frequently deliver the gospel according to Puke), and in my case chronic diarrhea. In most cases with this side effect, it is safer to treat the side effect than it is to try and change medication regimes due to the nature of the way the drugs work. These of course are all on the "lighter" side of the side effects that often come with such medications. In my case for example, I can honestly say that there are days when I just want to break down and cry because I have not been able to shit properly in almost 2 years. In fact, the moments leading up to having to use the bathroom can sometimes get a little messy because they can come on with sudden sharp pains through the gut caused by the building gas bubbles, which cause severe cramping. What's worse is that even with the strongest medication that there is, there are still unfortunate times where there is no making it to the bathroom because it pushes out whether you want it to or not, which results in a rather messy and believe me when I say absolutely DREADFUL smelling mess that you cannot control. Yes… That's right, complete incontinence of explosive diarrhea that quite honestly can feel like you're pissing out your ass and it will never stop. This of course is just the beginning of what can come. An alarmingly large number of persons diagnosed with HIV on such medications have also experienced issues with excessive weight gain for which they cannot control, inevitably leading to morbid obesity, and in more extreme cases, even diabetes, assuming that the dehydration from the other issues doesn't catch up with you first. Unusual growths such as a hunch back are also common with some medication regimes are also quite common to go hand and hand with the medication treatments available. The unfortunate side of it is that for these people, they are faced with the choice of getting accustomed to a new "normal" that their body must experience in order to live and more or less trade off some unpleasant and sometimes visually hideous side effects in order to be able to live. Does this really sound like the kind of life you would want to live?
5) Aside from the obvious complications caused by an already compromised immune system when getting sick with something like a cold or flu, there are much bigger risks involved with illness that persons living with HIV must be very careful with if they value their life as they know it. In particular, I'm referring to exposure to a bacteria known as Toxoplasmosis. Toxoplasmosis is a bacteria that stems from the consumption and digestion of raw (or near raw) meat that has never been frozen, and has not been cooked very well. That may not sound like it's such a big deal, right…? WRONG! Toxoplasmosis is often found in two common things that a lot of people experience or deal with every day. These two common things are cat shit, and bird shit, which aren't always possible to stay away from. Another common place to pick up such a bacteria is from the consumption of such foods as sushi. In a normal person's immune system that has not been compromised, exposure to Toxoplasmosis will not phase your immune system, but did you know that when Toxoplasmosis is mixed with HIV, the end result is a very painful, slow, and deteriorating death? Yes… That's right... When mixed with HIV, Toxoplasmosis will team up against the brain cells, causing a deterioration of the brain, more or less leaving a small hem-ridge in it's path. The result is chronic migrane headaches that will never go away and only get worse, combined with an Alzheimer's like effect as your brain quite literally eats itself alive until you eventually just slip away and die after spending a rather lengthy amount of time in chronic pain and slowly turn into a vegetable, lifeless in a hospital bed, unsure of who you are, where you are, or who anyone is really. It's a scary reality, however at one point or another, every person living with HIV must always keep this in the back of their mind if they value their life. For some people, this means having to make a choice and be rid of a beloved pet that they can now no-longer have. This only just begins to scratch the tip of the iceberg on that subject, but that will be a discussion for another day.
6) In many countries (such as Canada), federal laws state that a person who knows that they are HIV+ MUST disclose their HIV status to a proposed sexual partner prior to sexual contact. I can tell you first hand that all it takes to put a person with HIV through a legal nightmare is for one verbal allegation that the person failed to disclose their status, and instantly, the person living with HIV can be jailed in some cases for up to TWO YEARS before even being brought to trial, regardless of whether or not they actually disclosed their HIV status, assuming that they do not make bail. This is something that I know about all too well unfortunately, as the nightmare on this process started for me on April 16, 2010, and yet I still await for everything to go through the legal system for my good name to be cleared on account of the fact that the verbal allegation against me is completely fabricated. Add to this the complication of loosing a decently paying job over it while the legal proceedings go through the court, on top of being denied for multiple jobs as a result of the pending criminal charges until they clear. It only takes 1 night of fun to potentially destroy your life all over again if you're HIV+. That's another sad and unfortunate circumstance for which far too many people living with HIV at this day and age must endure. What's worse is that in any prison system in any country, the sad reality is that persons living with HIV more often than not are not given the correct medications at the right times, if they're even lucky to get them at all. That in and of itself opens the door for a whole new series of potentially serious and life-threatening complications that in the end, could cos them their life. Is this a risk you're really willing to take? Take it from someone who trusted the wrong person, and has lived (and still is living) this very nightmare when I say that the sad reality is you never really know who you can trust at this day and age.
7) As a person living with HIV, I can assure you that the medical system in just about any country is not well enough equipped to handle a person living with HIV in general. It's a sad reality that even at this day and age, far too many doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals do not know how to properly handle a person who his HIV+ either due to their lack of education on the subject and/or due to the lack of resources available to them in their area. The unfortunate part about all of that is that this comes as a burden to the person living with HIV because it can and will become increasingly difficult to obtain proper health care in any given situation at the mere mention of HIV. Did you know that in way too many places, even in North America, doctors and nurses far too often will segregate a person living with HIV into a private isolation chamber for no reason other than they are HIV+ and need medical attention, when such steps are not necessary? The worse part is that it doesn't stop there… I can't count the number of health care atrocities that occur on a daily basis in just about any region of the world as a result of a number of factors that just should not be at this day and age. Can you really afford to sacrifice the quality of your health care?
There's a whole lot more that I could say on this subject to spell out the reality of what living with HIV is actually like, and let me tell you, it's not as glamorous to live with as people may lead you to believe. Please don't take any of this the wrong way, as I'm not meaning to insult you or otherwise judge you for your choices. I do believe that everyone has the right to make their own decisions with themselves and be the individuals that they are. That being said though, I also believe that people have a right to know what they are getting themselves into before making such choices. This little informational posting is just a small glimpse of the "inside scoop" as it were to living with HIV, and I assure you that there are much uglier, more unpleasant parts and details that I haven't even begun to touch on the subject....
The bottom line is that all I'm saying is make up your own mind and make your own decisions for yourself, but when you do, keep all of this in the back of your mind and ask yourself, "is this a risk I'm really willing to take?" before making such a choice, and make sure that you are educated in your decision as your very life could depend on it. I say this to you now because living this nightmare, there isn't a day that goes by that I don't regret the unfortunate choices that I made of trusting the wrong people. I just don't want to see yet another person suddenly finding themselves walking down the path of a living nightmare when the choices that they made could have prevented the nightmare entirely.
I sincerely urge you to think carefully before the next time you decide to play Russian Roulette with your very life. You never know who could be carrying something like HIV... After all, I was a carrier of HIV for some time and didn't even know it until it was too late and I had already infected someone.
RE: Is three a crowd or can a relationship between three people work?
I don't mean to sound condescending in any way at all, but there is another side to a 3-way relationship that one must take into account. While what in2unow123 mentions is technically correct in that regard, this does not mean that it is the only possible outcome of a 3-way relationship. One thing you must be very careful about is that the feelings between all 3 parties are mutual on all accounts. The biggest reason I say this is because I was involved in such a thing a few years back, and it ended horribly….
The short version of the story is that I started to develop a closer bond with one of the two others, but not the other, and slowly as time went by, a distance began to form between the two. Inevitably, this created an interesting situation where the other 2 in the 3-way relationship started to grow separate of each other, resulting in a nasty mess to clean up.
I'm not saying that this is how it will be in all cases, as I do believe that it is in fact possible to have a successful 3-way relationship. I am only putting this out there for informational purposes so that it is known that such things have potential to go really well, and also very sour at the same time. Think of it more as a note of caution and something to be very careful to watch for in such a situation. Getting burned (metaphorically) is never an easy thing to deal with, especially not when it comes followed up with a whole series of complicated frustrating events. Just keep that in mind and go into things with an open mind and see where the possibilities may lead.... After all, what is right for one person (or in this case 3), may not necessarily be right for someone else.
Always leave your doors open for exploring new possibilities, and if you feel that a 3-way is truly an avenue that you want to explore, my best advice is to do so in a slow and progressive manner, as to avoid the potential for things to go horribly wrong and blow up in your face. Naturally, if things go well and continue to go well, by all means don't let one person's (my) sour experience stop you from engaging yourself in something that makes you happy in the end.
RE: Huge filesizes from greedy uploaders
Perhaps the better place to start would be with the torrent URL of the torrent in question. Perhaps I could shed some more light on the matter with respect to the file size for the quality. I certainly would not be apposed to at least taking a look at an example of what you are talking about to see if you may have a valid point about something. If the file is an overly large size, but for example is an up-converted bit-rate version of an originally inferior quality film, I would be more than willing to say that the size of the file compared to its length isn't exactly fair to other users.
What it all boils down to here in this example is the actual root quality and format of the file as to whether or not it should be such a hideous size by comparison to its length. As always, I am more than happy to address any concerns that any user may have.
RE: Age Gaps
Speaking of age gaps, just remember that in most countries, 15 will get you 20!
RE: Is three a crowd or can a relationship between three people work?
Owned the VHS to it, but now no longer can view since I no longer have a VHR.Â
If you still have the VHS, I can arrange to digitize it into either a down loadable video format for you or into a DVD. I see that you are in the USA, so the shipping involved shouldn't be all that horrid, especially if you use a USPS flat rate box.
RE: Sex!!! Condom or bareback?
Condoms unless you KNOW his status. Getting tested together and sharing the results is a good idea. But even there trust is involved. After you have been in a relationship for a while and do have that trust built up you might be OK with bb. Better to be safe than go through the consequences. I can say that in the one relationship I did bb it was only done after a few years in the relationship when I could be nearly certain he was Hiv negative and vive versa.
A very wise choice. The complications from HIV really aren't worth one night of fun… They really aren't.
RE: Automatic logoff
When experiencing this problem, there is a common fix for it. To fix this problem, do the following:
1) Click "Profile" in the navigation bar at the top of the page.
2) Enter a new password into the password box.
3) Click "Submit Changes" to change your password.
4) Click "Logout" to sign out of the site.
5) Log back into the site using your new password.Once these steps have been taken, you shouldn't experience that problem any longer.
RE: Warning, Facebook will tell everybody that you illegally download movies
@tom: I've always admired your sense of humour…
As for the rest of the users, please bear in mind that despite the fact that the existence of this site being "illegal" due to the nature of what it is used for, understand one thing. Just because you "like" something does not necessarily mean that you use that site or service. That being said, since the security of our site has been improved due to a recent scare with a certain production company, there is no way in which to link your Facebook "like" status to your user account. By the same token, there is also no way to directly link your usage (if any) on this site to your Facebook account, or otherwise directly to your identity.
The only way that any such information could be obtained is by monitoring torrent activity through a torrent client and obtaining a direct connection to someone who is actively seeding or leeching a torrent that is looking for such information. Even then, the only thing that anyone would have any way of obtaining is your IP address if it is not masked through a proxy, VPN, or seedbox. All that being said however, there lies a further legal complication when it comes to any potential legal action in most countries. Your IP address will only identify the connection that is being used. With a lot of court paperwork and red tape, it is only possible to obtain the information of the ISP subscriber. The challenge that this presents is that although you can identify the service subscriber through expensive and time costly methods with such information (which is hard enough to gather as it is), in most countries, you must also be able to prove who the user is on the other end of the computer. Short of getting an admission of guilt from the user directly, it is impossible to prove the identity of the user behind the computer, which in most countries makes these efforts useless since one must prove the identity of the user and not the subscriber.
If after all of that you are still worried about the security of your connection, I strongly recommend the use of both a VPN to tunnel your connection through, as well as the use of PeerBlock or PeerGuardian, along with any list updates you can grab for them as they will greatly increase the level of difficulty in being able to trace a connection back to the actual ISP subscriber's connection. And again, even if this is made possible through the magic of a really sophisticated technical guru (which I highly doubt would ever happen in reality with the proper steps taken), it would still leave the question of the identity of the actual user on the other end of the computer.
All that being said, be aware that in some areas such as the United Kingdom, the rules are a little different. In such areas, it is the responsibility of the ISP subscriber to ensure that their internet connection (namely their WiFi connection) is secure. In areas like the United Kingdom, if you fail to properly secure your internet connection, the subscriber is responsible for any actions made using that service.
RE: Tracker menu missing from Forums page?
Speaking of the forums… I noticed for a while that mgr's version of the forum had been implemented for a short while before getting switched back to the original version. Is there any word on if and/or when mgr's new version of the site will be implemented both for forum and for the site itself?
RE: What's your experience with .mkv files here on the tracker?
My only question here is what is the advantage of MKV files over a more traditional format such as AVI or MP4?
RE: Passwords changed ??
This seems to be a common thing since the domain switch. The simple version of it is that when you login, there is a cookie that stores your information in order to remain signed in. When the domain changed, the current cookie is effectively rendered as useless because it binds to the domain. Once you have re-established this cookie with the new domain by logging in, you should be clear to go.
RE: A Possible Validation for Bisexuality
Another HUGE waste of research money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I completely agree. There are so many other things that the money that was spent on this useless study could have been spent on.
RE: Gay Blood Ban Finds Support: Naperville Anti-Gay Group Pushes To Uphold Policy
On this topic, it is looking like such laws will soon change in Canada on account of a research study being conducted to test the effects of someone who is HIV+ donating blood to be used for someone else that is HIV+. So far, the study has been able to conclude that such a practice may actually be worth while, which would help relieve the shortage of blood because it would leave blood that would have otherwise been used for someone who is HIV+ for someone else who is in dyer need because they had another HIV+ donor in which to donate the blood.
Perhaps Canada really is leaps and bounds ahead here…
RE: [US] - Homophobe Married politician had gay hookup in hotel
Not gay?! I somehow doubt that :lolp:
RE: Comments from BEFORE file uploaded! How???
Until recently, I wasn't aware that such a torrent bump was possible at a moderator level. Now that I'm aware, this will make things a lot easier to work with working from this point forward. It's at least a good thing to know about marking the original date and time added for reference when doing this.
RE: What's your experience with .mkv files here on the tracker?
I've long advocated banning RM file since they are ALWAYS crap quality. Sadly, too many people complained so we still have that crap video format.
While we're on that topic, can we add the same for Flash Video files (.flv)… They can be just as annoying and poor quality.
RE: Using a proxy website- Anyone in Turkey?
If it is just a simple matter of a DNS entry not being acknowledged, it can in theory make it just as simple to just manually enter the IP address for the site in your hosts file to bypass any DNS server all together, thereby eliminating the problem for such sites such as… just a random thought.