I live in a very conservative European country. Being gay is legal everywhere in Europe, but in my region "traditional family values" prevail over basic human decency. Family bonds are praised and cherished. Homosexuality is a banned subject in public.
When I was about 9 or 10 years old, I was starting to figure out something was very wrong with the environment I was living in. I was starting to see that this permanent state of poverty and shortage of food correlated well with that "family bond" fetish. I was surrounded by families, none of which were functional, but still cherished for absolutely no reason.
The day I finished school and got the diploma, at the age of 18, I packed my stuff (a couple of books basically) and moved out to another city to study and never came back. At that time I had equivalent of 25 € in my pocket. I received almost no financial support from my "family" and during the next 3 years or so I was very dependant on State support and social security. University studies are completely free in my country.
Since the day I left, my parents played absolutely no role in my life.
Not sure if this scenario could have worked in Pakistan or in other muslim country, but it is still something to think about.
in pakistan, if a family member stains the honor of the family, they usually kill that member. It's usually reserved for girls who had sex outside of marriage, or got raped, or is seen acting inappropriately. But a gay guy in the family is also dishonor so getting outed can get you thrown from the roof or killed outright. that's why he's scared. if he gets married, then he has to have sex with his wife. if he's gay, he won't be able to do it properly.