@Rapsey-0 Not "you could argue"..... but "DID IN FACT" violate Budapest Memorandum.
It's clear. And UK, USA & Ukraine understood well, when they signed it, that "or else" of Budapest Memorandum was "or else Russia invades Ukraine to secure its interests & buffer zone".
OF COURSE. Duh. Very word "Ukraine" means "borderland". Borderland of who? Historically, Russia.
"Russia...trying to conquer the whole country"
Again... KNOW THY ENEMY. Search "Russia SMO aims".
To them, it wasn't even an invasion. To them it would be a brief operation to clear out CIA & Nazi Brigade bases, while protecting people of Donbas etc.
They were wrong about how easy or how long, but - If (if) you refuse even to KNOW their viewpoint before you reject their viewpoint..... at that point, you are part of vast war-brainwashing problem which ends in nuclear WW3. I do not consent.
"If you think Russia will stop its aggression if they are allowed to win this round" - Indeed they will.
Again: KNOW THY ENEMY. Putin has shown restraint. Examples.
when USA helped Ukraine blow up NordStream, he did nothing we know of
when USA miltary crews launched ATACM missiles last summer, in Ukraine's name, at beach in Crimea - he did nothing we know of
USA would do nuclear strike if, say, China or Russia blew up Cochin pipeline, or had their crews do missile strike in Mexico's name to kill 100 tourists at Huntington Beach.
"I call BS on that." (that Ukraine is defeated militarily, only nuke escalation is left)
Sign up for Ukraine front lines, then.
Oh wait - You want to gamble with other people's lives?
You prefer to sit back & see videos of Ukraine conscripton gangs who kidnap random dudes off streets, for to throw them in meat grinder & die meaningless death? You won't volunteer for it? No?