Library book led to porn addiction
Young woman testifies to school board that reading a Scholastic book featuring a kiss led her to seek out other books that brought her pleasure, ultimately leading to her doing Internet searches and becoming addicted to porn. As a result, she wants schools to stop holding Scholastic Book Fairs and providing Scholastic books.
The problem? She actually works for a Scholastic competitor who wants schools to host their book fairs instead. Basically, a conservative bookseller is cashing in on you book banning idiots.
I guess you forgot that your side banned books too.
Also, your side puts porn books in elementary school libraries You may remember you called me an asshole when I said I was against that. Your school boards have people arrested for obscenity for reading from the same books they put in school libraries. They also have people arrested for showing pictures from those same books. The books are ok for 5yo kids, but criminal at school board meetings.
What this woman did is crap, but I'm sure we can find examples from the other side.
@hubrys You're upset because a complainer might be motivated by ethics problem, a conflict of interest?
So many such conflicts around...... that you don't notice...... you don't care about...... and much more important than Scholastic book company.
What about, you know, those Trump impeachments?
Where ALL the witnesses or so-called "whistleblowers" had undisclosed or unreported ethics conflicts, bad motivations to lie - and did lie.
Or the covid vaxx that killed millions worldwide with carditis & blood clots - while not stop covid?
What about bad motivations & ethics conflicts of politicians, media & regulators who told people to take those bad shots?
What about Ukraine war? Whose Western advocates profited, being money launderers & war profiteers. As 100000s of beautiful men died for nothing.
Oh but Scholastic book company something something.... and George Santos still hasn't resigned....
What about Criminal Biden & Biden Crime Family? Why don't they resign?
Priorities. Perspective.
On rare - rare - occasions when you are right, you focus on SMALLEST, stupidest shit of the giant shit out there. You're so funny.
How about Hamas & Hezbollah throwing gays off buildings?
Or JFK assassination docs still hidden after 60 years?
Or USA 2020 election still stolen? Or USA J6 committee still lied to public, has still not admitted to J6 Fed operation with over 200 Feds present?
Lots of ethics conflicts & false witnesses, in all that.
@raphjd As to actual pornographic schoolbooks that try to groom kids: Someone should just post a few images. Visuals devastate. But I have not been able to. It's too disgusting. Oh well.
@hubrys This vid's for u - Enjoy every second like I did!
Since I only like about 1% of gay porn, I would say I am a gay porn aficianado, not an addict.