It is a fact that both Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln were not pro black. It is absurd for people to characterize Jefferson and Lincoln in that way. They were both extremely racist. As a lawyer, Lincoln referred to black people as "niggers". Jefferson had kept thousands of slaves himself. Neither of them considered black people to be people. While that may sound outrageous, you need only look at publications from the civil war. One article that caught my eye was one where a ship sank, and the article said three people, two dogs, and eight niggers were killed. That is unbelievable in the context of today, but was typical of that time. The History Channel recently did a documentary about Jefferson.. and despite liking black people enough to bear children with them, he did not consider them to be human. When he wrote "all men are created equal", he didn't take black people into account. I would add that he didn't include WOMEN either.. he was referring to white men. I don't support Jefferson's racism, but it is important to realize that the true meaning of the U.S. Constitution has been twisted severely. Both Jefferson and Lincoln wanted to abolish slavery.. not to free black people, but to prevent more black people from coming in to the country. They wanted to send the black people already here back to Africa.
It isn't healthy to have a distorted view of history. Jefferson, Hamilton, Adams, Lincoln were all fairly despicable people by today's standards. One interesting thing.. George Washington was an extremely clever man, an expert as espionage and deception, and this country would not exist without him, because the US was grossly outnumbered and outpowered by Britain. I didn't even get into how vice president Aaron Burr murdered Alexander Hamilton.
Oh, and then there is president Andrew Jackson - who is on the $20 bill. He called for killing every native American Indian man, woman, and child. He pretty much did so. That is the same Andrew Jackson who is the father of the Democratic Party.
I'm sorry, what are we supposed to interpret from your Early Presidents' Review?
Are you suggesting that since the Founding Fathers held imperfect views on what constituted true equality, and their actions were sometimes in opposition to modern humanitarian goals, that these historical examples provide people, today, with a "bookmark" to validate their own prejudicial views or actions toward minorities and women?
It sounds like all your puffery about the "true meaning" of the Constitution is to suggest that it was a purer and superior document in its original form, speaking only to white men.
But you see, over the years, the U.S. realized the need to broaden the notions of liberty and fairness in the original Constitution through Amendments. While I'm sure you're familiar with the Thirteenth Amendment (abolishing slavery), and the Nineteenth Amendment (granting women's suffrage), you don't seem as excited about recalling those landmarks.
And what is up with your thread's name? Did the 40-second Dave Chappelle clip on those topics make you laugh? More, likely, angry and threatened – over a comedic satire?
Are you genuinely concerned about gays in the KKK? Sure, they exist as self-loathing sub-humans. Hiring black people to mow lawns? Today, I see gardeners, pool techs, etc. of every race and ethnicity.
No, I'm afraid this is just another nonsensical thread of yours, with the purpose of venting thinly veiled race- and gender-bias allusions. (And not like a comedy sketch, as found in your link.)
If I'm wrong, please be more specific about the discussion we should be having, as applied to this modern Politics & Debate forum.
Just like Pinocchio's nose grows longer every time he tells a lie, so does your red line every time you post more garbage.
I made my point very clear, and don't appreciate you shitting on it.
I will summarize it again. The meaning of the constitution is being grossly distorted. One example of that is the utopian ideal that "all men are created equal". The person that wrote that is Thomas Jefferson, and what he meant is that all white males are created equal. He did not consider black people to even be human, and he certainly didn't include women in that. Don't blame me, blame Tom. I don't think that is right. but that was Jefferson's thinking. Jefferson, Lincoln, and many others were terrified of the prospect that minorities would move into the inner cities and Washington D.C. and take them over. White people are now a minority in at least 22 of the top 100 metropolitan areas in the country. In the 2000 census.. Washington DC was 31% white and 60% black. That is something considering that nationwide just over 12% of the population is black. On the other hand, if minorities were given voting rights as citizens.. there is no way that they would ever have been brought over as slaves.
A few other issues related to the constitution.. free speech.. that amendment was written before anybody ever dreamed of telegraphs, radio, television, the internet, or even an efficient postal service. In regards to gun control.. the guns at the time were single fire weapons which took a minute to load and were very inaccurate. They never dreamed of handguns, machine guns, semi-automatics, clips, assault weapons, etc.
What I am really trying to get out is that people need to use their own COMMON SENSE. Moonbats and a lot of Republicans often try to justify their insanity by dragging the constitution into it.. Ignoring the fact that the Constitution is in many regards.. being grossly misinterpreted.
I am going to end this with something I tell black people frequently. "Up until a few decades ago, black people were treated like garbage, as if they are not even human, while white people were treated with civility and fairness. But now, after decades of struggles and protests.. we finally have equality! Now both blacks and whites are treated like garbage as if they are not even human!"