In debate #3, Chris Wallace asked Trump if he would accept the results of the election. He said "maybe" - and was blasted by both the left and right. They all piled up on him saying basically that whoever wins an election, they must be accepted so that they can do their job.
With Trump, that has not been the case at all. Before the election, VERY few people expected Trump to win (other than me). Once he did win, the attacks began, en masse, and have not ceased for one day since November 8, 2016.
This goes against the foundations of democracy. What is the point of having free elections if people are not going to accept the results?
It's really disgusting, unethical, and wrong.
Am I not thrilled with a lot of what Trump says and does.. but of all the candidates we had to choose from, he was the best. I challenge anybody to name a better presidential choice from the pool of candidates we were given. The problem is.. nobody in their right mind would run for president to begin with.
.. and to cut to the chase… I would never have children, because this country and the world are going right down the toilet.. and there is no way to prevent that. It would be nice if the world could go another 50 years without failing, but at this point, I don't think it will be that long. The population is growing at an exponential rate (there are more people alive NOW than have died in the entire history of the planet). Economies around the world are failing, insane countries such as Pakistan, India, North Korea, and Iran already have or will be fully nuclear weapon capable within a few years.
It's sort of like being in a canoe in a river with a waterfall. Trump is doing his best to row against the flow and avoid the waterfall. The moonbats are doing the opposite, heading directly towards the waterfall. Obama's 8 year regime in which he occupied the White House greately accelerated the ultimate doom.
Meanwhile, we have a billion or so Muslims thinking like they are in the stone age.