Obama is muslim and hates Israel. For the first 13 years of his life, he was raised in Indonesia (a muslim country) by a strict muslim nut named Soetoro. The same-sex marriage thing is confusing. Ultra liberal California was AGAINST it.. which I still don't understand. Several states started allowing same-sex marriages, and Obama and Hillary were slow to support it. Hillary was vocally against same-sex marriage for decades, but then with no explanation did a complete flip-flop. Perhaps Obama supported same-sex marriage to give Muslim countries a reason to hate the USA. Same situation with using drones to bomb weddings and funerals.
You can't know what's going on in Obama's head, so don't assume you know what he loves and hates.
Obama had a plan to bring peace to the Middle East which involved getting strict with Israel (not unlike how Trump is getting strict with NK) and Obama later backed down, I presume because he didn't have the political capital.
I think living in Indonesia opened Obama's mind about Islam. It's not scary to him. When he grew up there Indonesia was still tolerant. The current brand of Islam wasn't there. Let me be plain: I don't think Islam fits in the West and I'd prefer people from that part of the world not immigrate to the US. But it's not my country, so I'll make a compromise that if we're allowing Muslim people that they must be real moderates or secular. If you feel your woman should wear a hijab or that the mosque must be separated by sex, you can't immigrate. Obama was less picky. Much less picky.
The gay thing in CA, it's not hard to understand. People are more conservative that you think. It's why Trump will win a second term.
If you look at Obama's record of liberalization, he was always in favor of same-sex marriage but had to wait until the time was right. Had he pushed it in his first term, it would have been harder to get a second term. Again, this is politics.
How is it possible to have PEACE with a crazy religion such as Islam? Yes, judaism and christianity are also crazy, but people don't take those religions literally anymore. I haven't noticed anybody getting stoned to death for working on the Sabbath lately. Islamic nations are still using their religion to do things like chop off hands, heads, whip people, throw people off roofs, torture, etc. It is incredible that anybody who is supposed to be a feminist (Hillary) would give any credibility to a muslim country such as Saudi Arabia (which has sharia law) by accepting endorsements / money from them.
Heres' the "Sharia Law" song being sung in London England.. which is now controlled by muslims, and has a muslim mayor. Trump can't even visit London after getting an invitation from the Queen because London is so unstable right now.