I am a bit in a chock after the final ending. Don't know if it not a good or bad thing. They could have been using a couple of more episodes to wrap it up. But this was dark.

Posts made by flashboy
Dexter: New Blood
RE: Is it just me? WHO pulls out of a fine ass to cum on a dude's face?
@bi4smooth I just think it is for the visuals, they have to have some end. I don't like the endings where the guy came inside the others throat or inside the anal, even ot that would be the normal. But you don't get a good closure, it is just like, oh, was it over?
RE: Tall men
I am 6'2" and I think I have only had sex with one guy that was taller than me and two that was almost the same height as me, it was actually really nice not to bend your knees and you could stand tall and kiss. Younger guys seems to be taller today, but guys at my age is usually almost a head shorter than me.
RE: Why is this ad considered racist?
In Sweden for about ten years ago when we had an black women in the government, Nyamko Sabuni, (right wing liberal) she was always by a sort of people on Flashback (it is like a Swedish uncensored version of Reddit) referred to as the ape or the monkey, and there is like no way H&M could not known that. I do think it was an honest mistake from their side, but as long as people keep using the word ape or monkey as a negative term for black people, you don't put a black kid in a tee with that message.
RE: "Fire and Fury" book… great if you run out of toilet paper.
The over seas correspondents said in Swedish reviews about the book that it would be easy to read, but really it isn't. Yes, there is a lot of words that someone who is not native in English wouldn't knew about, but most of the time you can take a wild guess and make an assumption of what context the word is in. What is so much harder is that the author Michael Wolff is constantly name dropping people I have never heard about like I am supposed to know who it is. I can get that journalists who works in this field has better knowledge, but they should probably know that most people here never heard about most of the people mentioned.
I googled them, they have not been mentioned in any of the local media. So if you're not an american it is not a book that is easy to read, cause you don't know who they are talking about. If the book would be translated (I think it won't be though) it will need an editor that makes an localization of the book and makes notes on every side of the book about who is whom. -
RE: Watching porn beeing in relationship…
Can't really see why this is a problem. Yeah, I know that straight girls complains about their boyfriends porn habits, but as a gay guy? You probably watch porn by yourself, so that would be double standards.
But really, people do masturbate when they are in a relationship, it has nothing to do with your sex life being off or not good, it is just healthy for most people to have a sex life with their own. -
RE: Movie mystery
Didn't this has to be with some rules to attend to contest for gay porn? They was not allowed to do bareback or to take cum in their mouth?
RE: Adopting last name?
I would probably add his name next to mine, if it isn't really uggly. :cheesy2:
RE: Decent Gay MMO or MMORPG Games?
You can get married to another same sex player in Elder Scrolls Online if you purchase The Pledge of Mara. But I haven't learnt to know any one in the game that well yet.
RE: Which web browser to use?
More and more I have gone from using Firefox to use Chrome.
RE: What is your favorite OS mine is Linux Ubuntu
Ubuntu is a nice OS, but since there is no software it doesn't do much good. I kind of need Photoshop (Gimp has an interface from hell, it is not just not user-friendly, it is user-hostile), then I wanna have Illustrator and In Design. There are some pro and cons with Mac OS X and Windows, but mostly it has to do with available software.
RE: Money
In the commercials in my browser people in my area always wins millions and millions on online casinos… ::)
RE: With whom do you want to sleep?
sports stars, porn stars, movie stars
There is plenty of lots of sports stars, porn stars or movie stars I wouldn't like to fuck…
But if a handsome guy comes up to me and starts to flirt, well, I wouldn't say no even if he isn't a rock star or anything, he just needs to rock my world.
RE: Where do you think the best city or country is to be gay?
During two days in Chicago I saw more men holding hands or kissing in the streets than I have done during a lifetime here in Sweden. And I think this country is considered to be more gay friendly than both UK or France, and I think it is in some ways. It is not ok to be homophobic in public, if you are a public person and say something negative against gay marriage or homosexuals you would be seen as a very intolerant person. But IRL is a different story. Gay men in general have higher educations but have a lower income than heterosexual men. If you are open on your work place and make a mistake, you won't get fired, but you're screwed and they will give you a silent treatment or bully you till you leave or get sick. No one talks about that cause it is not so visible and the mental illness is rocket high by gay men, is there some one I know who hasn't eaten antidepressive or have had the need to take sleeping pills? And yes, we top the suicide rates too.
But on the paper, we are a f*cking great country… -
RE: Best Gay Apps
what does the app do?
no thing
The more I study & learn of my fellow human beings the more convinced I am an aberration. I mean no offence when I say this & I didn't look into the app that much after the initial click bait but what makes it gay? Telling me I am the prettiest flower in the whole bouquet, that seems more like the other usage of the word gay. From the description "An application designed carefully to cheer you up", thanks but I'll stick with better living through chemistry, at least with "my dolls" I need not worry whether or not they are some clever ruse designed to hijack my tablet. This is the aberration previously mentioned, perhaps it truly is a great little boyfriend but I suspect it's worse than my ex.
I think it is better than my ex, but a burrito is probably better company than my ex, so the app wouldn't be my first choice… Are you single?
RE: Mac or pc?
Used to be mac until I got my surface pro…. why not both? :cheesy2:
Amen to that. Mac user who loves my surface pro…
RE: Handsome face or big dick?
It is not his face or his dick, it is the whole package…
RE: Favorite brand of jeans?
Ralph Laurens Denim & Supply.
But Levis works to…I am not much of a jeans guy, I mean I wear jeans but I am not in to finding jeans with denim from japan, selvage seams and limited editions. I love other kind of clothes, jackets, ties, shirts, shoes. But pants? They are just fucking boring... They are much funnier when they are on the floor...