Anita Bryant, Whose Anti-Gay Politics Undid a Singing Career, Is Dead at 84
The (in)famous banana cream pie a gay activist shoved into her face at a press conference in 1977.
Anita's response: "Well, at least it was a fruit pie".
Anita Bryant, Whose Anti-Gay Politics Undid a Singing Career, Is Dead at 84
The (in)famous banana cream pie a gay activist shoved into her face at a press conference in 1977.
Anita's response: "Well, at least it was a fruit pie".
@zullu I agree...Kamala is going to be our next President, and when he loses, Trump will have a childish hissy tantrum and start screaming about fraud and rigged election, and demanding a hand recount...just like he did 4 years ago.
I'm going to have to try GUU because I started having the same category selection problems also. Suddenly...
@Opiam I'm suddenly having the same problem. Tried using QTM several times with a successful login, but now it's suddenly not allowing me to select a Category.
I've also noticed that it logs into when it logs in, the top of the app says Is this possibly the problem...the fact that the site, having changed to, isn't recognizing the QTM app now?
In short (you don't need the link to that entie page posted above):
Here's the solution I found in case anyone else needs it in their BitComet.
Disable the setting seen highlighted in this screenshot. It stops .padding files from being created. Just described this to someone for their torrent which had a crapload of padding files, and this solution stopped them when he reposted his torrent.
Here's the solution I found in case anyone else needs it in their BitComet.
Disable the setting seen highlighted in this screenshot. It stops .padding files from being created. Just described this to someone for their torrent which had a crapload of padding files, and this solution stopped them when he reposted his torrent.
@erikiwi Agreed...except the lying, conpiracy extremists posting in the Politics forum clearly don't believe in that.
@raphjd said in "Bonus Hole":
Your intolerance is that you have no problem enforcing your worldviews on others.
You have no problem with your side treating others poorly, while being gleeful when the government criminalizes the reverse.
...while you and other extremists here in the Politics forum do the exact SAME damn thing, in case you don't realize it.
You're all a bunch of right-wing, conspiracy theorists, lying hypocrites.
"Extended seconds"? Hardly! The only thing creepy and disgusting are you disgusting people here in the Politics forum making something out of a nothingburger.
MANY kids are uncomfortable with strangers they don't know or aren't familiar with. This doesn't mean a damn thing.
Also, haven't you ever done the "nibbling", "kissy" thing with a young child or baby?
AGAIN...this doesn't mean a damn thing. It's a big nothingburger. The fact this came from FauxNews isn't surprising...Fox News is a right-wing arsehole organization that should be shut down.
@shartrigon said in zach reno OF:
Is there a way to check if the content is censored before subscribing to it?
Probably check a site's Rules or Terms of Service to see what it says about subscribing to gain access to uncensored materials?
Years ago on a now-defunct nude celebrity board, I came up with my username because I did a lot of screenshot collages of nude/beefcake scenes from movies and tv shows...hence my name CinemaCapMan (or CCM for short).
Blablarg is posting his usual idiotic BULLSHIT. Since he knows so damn much, then explain how and WHY the vaccines have obviously STOPPED the pandemic, hospitalizations, and deaths?
HUH, you dumbass??
@jaroonn You are spot-on as usual. I can't believe the bullshit raphjd and blarblarg spew. It's the typical, usual made-up crap nonsense Trump supporters and arsehole Rethuglicans matter WHAT facts are presented to them.
Good luck, right-wingers...Trump is FINISHED and will likely spend the rest of his miserable and pathetic existence in JAIL.
YOU are incapable of keeping to the facts. You and every Trump-supporting, Trump dick sucking goofball here. You're all full of .
"Trump's documents were in a secure area under his house at Mara Lago, under Secret Service protection. He also did whatever he was told to do to make them even more secure."
That's absolute bullshit...they WERE, as these photos PROVE, far from secure at all and NOT under Secret Service protection. The Secret Service would also NOT have any business "protecting" federal documents like that. Their business is the protection of sitting and former POTUS's.
Are these documents "secure" on a stage in a ballroom? NOT!
Are these documents "secure" in a fuckin' BATHROOM? Right around the toilet? NOT!
Are these documents "secure" spilled out all over a storage room floor? NOT!!
"Slam fuckin' DUNK right there."
Biden and Pence didn't INTENTIONALLY and KNOWINGLY withhold documents when asked to turn them over , much less LIE about them. Trump DID. They turned them over to the National Archives when asked for them. Trump DIDN'T and he LIED about them.
Another "Slam fuckin' DUNK right there."