As someone with a (really) hairy ass, I can feel the frustration.
I myself don't like that I'm hairy there, and in the short time I did try hookups, most of the people wanted me to shave it.
I used to go through hoops and strech myself to reach as much as possible, but it was hard and insufficient.
The problem with a hairy hole is that during penetration, some hairs can get pulled it and it hurts like hell. It hurts so much that I have to stop the act, go to the bathroom to let everything out, relax, and then try again. In addition, lube never holds up.I once tried to shave it all, but it was extremely itchy the day after (I had to cut off early and lay on bed with some soothing lotion). Nair helps a bit, but for the hole itself I need my bf and even that lasts for a limited time only. I thought about leaser but a. it's expensive, b. it's emberassing, and c. two days before you have to shave it all down and "wear loose clothing without underwear to prevent pain and itch". I study at a respectable university so even if I had such clothes, I couldn't go like that to school.
TL;DR - Fuck my hairy life
I guess my hair has never been long enough down there to experience that. On the other hand dude, having a hairy ass is part of the many essences of being a man. I love both hairy asses & hairy backs so much, I could literally go out of my mind. Absolutely no guy should feel embarrassed or ashamed. To hear any man talk about shaving their back/chest or ass is an absolute complete turn off for me! The only exception, is when someone models for a living, or has a career choice that requires them to shave. Other than that, love your body the way it is! And know that their are some of us that would do anything for a nice, hairy, bubble-butt bear!!!
:cheesy2: :69_2: