Did you just ignore the rest of the article and focused on the brief bit where they said michael brown was unarmed? How about you read it and look at all the sources and statistics they cite and get back to me instead of just rpeating what you said earlier.
Here's some more info on the topic since you don't seem to want to hear any mentions of michael brown.
I'm sorry, but I discount any article that claims that Michael Brown a victim of police brutality. That narrative has been proven a total lie. All but 2 of the black "witnesses" were proven to be liars in the case.
OK, our black President and black Attorney General (and previous black AG) disagree with you and that biased article. As the article mentions, they support community policing and have been pumping extra money into it.
I love people that say that we should stop policing black communities because we know within a year you'll be screaming for blood because of massive skyrocketing of crime rates there.
Ultra liberals hate "black on black crime" because it goes against their narrative. They want everyone to think that everything is racist white on black crime. Of course, from federal stats, we know that is a load of BS because the worst interracial crime rates are black on white.
So-called "racist ticketing" is bullshit at best. Every race gets tickets for various things. Tickets for littering and general trash offenses tend to go to the less educated, it's not a racial thing, except to racists. Smoking in banned places is another thing the less educated get the majority of tickets for. Again, it only a race thing to racists.
Loretta Lynch grew up in the racist south and managed to become Attorney General.
It was 20 years ago that we got the first ever whites-only scholarships. Oddly enough, it was at historically black universities in Alabama. Of course, it was after several lawsuits. Nobody was willing to give whites their own scholarships without a fight.
When looking at poor students (qualify for free school lunches), white boys do the worst. This is because girls and racial minorities get subsidies (paid to the schools) to help with their education. Boys of all races and incomes do worse than girls due to the feminizing the education system in the early 1970s. There are no student subsidies for being white or a boy. This issue affects ALL western countries and for the same reasons.
In the UK, the media is required by law to have 35% representation of "visual" minorities, which is 3 times greater than their actual portion of the population. Other European countries have similar rules. One example of this crap is the UK's "Being Human". They had to recast if because 1 white (Russell Tovey), 1 white girl and 1 ethnic guy wasn't diverse enough to meet the rules. They kept the 1 white guy, but recast to 1 black girl and 1 more obviously ethnic guy.
If you want to cry for someone, think about the reality of the situation. White males are the most discriminated group under the law in the west.
Holy shit. If you won't actually read the article then I can't help you. This is the quote that mentions Brown:
"Police have shot and killed a young black man (ages 18 to 29) — such as Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo. —175 times since January 2015; 24 of them were unarmed. "
Where are you getting all the other stuff?