Fauci is now exposed with the emails, but my question for liberals is will you still trust him on vaccines? He said in the Senate that they don't fund "Gain of Function" research at Wuhan, but admitted it happens in North Carolina. The emails show that he had correspondence showing that he did discuss it, and the Bat Lady in China thanked him for the funding of that research. China, the worst human rights abuser... So, you trusted Fauci, and turns out he's responsible for this research and for the leak and thus, the pandemic... Do you still trust him on vaccines?

Best posts made by ManHandler
Still trust Fauci on Vaccines, after he lied about experimentation in the lab?
RE: Are only white people racist?
I'm white, but if I see some gangstas with their pants below their asscrack and weaing gold chains, I'm walking the other way. If you dress like Obama, I'll listen to what you have to say. People judge you by your appearance, and if you don't carry yourself well, people want nothing to do with you. That's not racist. If I see some white person dressed that way, I'd react the same way.
RE: Jenna Ellis, a RINO? As GOP Speaker?
@manhandler But we are their food. Sustenance. Etc.
Where did Bill Gates Go?
Oh, that's right. Divorce. Pictures on Epstein's plane maybe... but oh how sweet?.. Patent number 060606, (microchip), by Bill Gates. Where did you go Bill Gates? This is the Democrat Party and Democrat Media's doing, 100%. Oh Bill Gates, you're so fucking wonderful. You say that there's too many people, and yet you're concerned about a virus that would kill those too many people... But you are making a lot on those vaccine contracts and stocks, aint ya? Why does the Democrat media ignore all of this? I mean it's just common sense.
RE: Still trust Fauci on Vaccines, after he lied about experimentation in the lab?
@raphjd It's because Trump. They hate him so much that their hate caused hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths on ventilators and in nursing homes. What Fauci knew at the beginning, we know now. That's racist!!! You can't call it the Wuhan Flu! Like we didn't call it the Spanish Flu? Like we don't call it Ebola, the place? It's not racist. It's shining a light over responsible parties. And Trump was right. Very very terrible how the democrats and the media have been using this to shut down the economy, while getting caught not following their own rules. Sick people.
RE: Still trust Fauci on Vaccines, after he lied about experimentation in the lab?
@manhandler I'm asking again today, are you still going to trust Fauci? After his emails prove he talked a lot about Gain of Function (deadly bioweapon research). The Bat Lady thanked him for it. You trust this guy? And now you trust him on vaccines? Where is the line of reasoning? I'm not getting it.
RE: Where is the Conservative Outrage?
@bi4smooth I agree with Flynn in that there is overwhelming proof that the Democrats cheated and they will now have to step down. That's going to be a total blow to everything they've ever imagined.
RE: Where is the Conservative Outrage?
@bi4smooth No that's ridiculous. You clearly don't understand what's going on. They are looking at 2.1 million votes. It takes time.
Grateful to Judge Joe Brown
I have to say to Judge Joe Brown that I am a White Man, and I am so grateful for what you said. Joe Biden is corrupt.
RE: Hunter Biden's texts about (N WORD/ FAGS/DYKEYS)
@bi4smooth Ok, that's called willful ignorance. All you gotta do is a search for Biden using the N word. He did it on tv 13 times in the 80s, while a Senator. You aren't interested in doing any diligence because you aren't a Republican. You're excusing this kind of behavior by ignoring it and acting like a hypocrite.
Latest posts made by ManHandler
RE: Too late for this guy... will you be next?
@bi4smooth You like to say that it's about politics because that gives you a good excuse to say that it should be about science. But your "science" is bullshit. I can smell bullshit when I see it. You are full of it. 99.7% have nothing to worry about. So why should we be so worried about it? You're just dumb. Why would I worry about something that ridiculous? Like, car accidents probably kill just as many people. It's like the Jaws movie, after it came out and people were afraid to swim. You're just dumb. There's nothing else to say about it. You're dumb.
RE: Carl Sagan's advise on Critical Thinking
@bi4smooth Arguments from authority carry little weight... hmm. Yet you spew "authority" lines all day long. Fauci is your GOD. He IS Science to you. You need to read what you posted again.
RE: Voter Suppression - a new twist
@bi4smooth Nah. You're just stupid. I don't think that nurses are in on a conspiracy. I think you're dumb. The numbers are in, and it IS 95% in the highest vaccinated places, Israel, Norway, Iceland, Maine, Singapore, Australia.... the hospitals are filled with people who have been VACCINATED. You're stupid. There really isn't much to say because it doesn't matter. The ones in the hospital are not as Fauci claims without evidence, the unvaxxed. You just don't know what you're talking about.
Plus, that number (95%) is even in question, because Covid is just the Flu. The PCR test has been UN-authorized. That's the test they use to determine if you have Covid. That means the test itself is no longer authorized, and your numbers are based on a false test. Meaning, all your numbers are bullshit. So you can pick and choose which federal agency you want. The CDC versus the FDA. It doesn't matter. We all know that you're full of shit. Just let it go. The creator of the PCR said it's not a diagnostic and it can't determine if you're infected. It can determine if a steel wall has a little Vitamin C. That doesn't mean anything. God damn you're dumb. Just shut the hell up already.
RE: 99.7% Survive, so why a vaccine when TB kills x1000
@bi4smooth Solved? You're ridiculous. 1.2 MILLION died in 2019 from TB. And you say it's "solved." Again, more nonsense from someone who has no idea what they're talking about. 1.2 MILLION is just a statistic huh? God you're dumb.
RE: 99.7% Survive, so why a vaccine when TB kills x1000
@bi4smooth You're starting off with a total falsity: TB is the number one killer in the entire world. You really are just lost with fake news.
RE: Voter Suppression - a new twist
@bi4smooth You're dumb. 95% of Covid hospitalizations are vaccinated. 5% are not. Let's go back to kindergarten math, k?
RE: Fauci put flies that laid maggots in Beagle's brains.
@hubrys What exactly have I been a hypocrite about? I don't like Fauci and this experiment makes him even worse. He's sick.
99.7% Survive, so why a vaccine when TB kills x1000
Why the hell are we worried about Covid when Tuberculosis is the number one killer? It's ridiculous. Stick that jab right up your ass, big pharma making a killing, literally. Such morons... No word about Tuberculosis. No word about heart disease. Nothing about the actual things that are killing people... No... just take this vaccine so pharmaceutical companies can make billions in profits. You guys are dumb.
RE: CDC now says Vaccinated are the ones spreading the new Delta variant.
@bi4smooth You're just dumb. I don't really have time for idiots like you. The FDA revoked the PCR test, meaning that the test which shows positive for Covid is unsubstantiated. It means all your bull shit claims that all these people are getting Covid are stupid. You. are. stupid. The test itself has been rejected. And rightly so as they also admitted that it can't tell if its the common cold, the flu, or Covid. You're just dumb. Stick that jab up your ass. With a 99.7% survival rate, and that's excluding those that can't even get it (under 25), it's pointless to get the vaccine. You're just stupid. Sorry about it. Go to hell.
RE: Fauci put flies that laid maggots in Beagle's brains.
@hubrys Oh yea you piece of trash? So you're going to defend that? You're garbage. Pathetic excuse.