Confirmed, old items appearing as new is an issue with my news reader. If you are a RSSOwl user and want the details, you can DM me.
But in the process of digging into it, I did find something interesting about the RSS Feed.
Essentially, the feed is not sending the requested number of items based on the num= parameter, once a threshold is hit (250 items). Therefore, the ALL option is not really functional. Nor is changing the num= parameter to anything larger than 250.
Probably not a big deal when it comes to low volume categories like Vintage (which is my fav). That 250 item limit currently covers about 6 months’ worth of postings.
However, that same 250 item look back limit for categories like Bareback, which is much more heavily posted (thank you very much BTW guys), is currently only about 10 days. And catagory=Anal, only 5 days.