i'm not from USA, so i can't say where the rent boys are for you specifically.
What a remarkable time you just described, in which i would've like to taken part of at some point. Also seriously high school jocks? damn :dick:
Gone are the days i think you have mentioned. Like most of the others mentioned, i think you'd have to go to a seedy part of the city to find what you're looking for.
Certainly the Disneyfication of Times Square turned the whole thing plastic, and whatever peep shows and theaters that exist in
the city, if any, have relocated. Maybe gloryholes are policed these days as well. But at least there used to be bars where horny
guys would gather to meet friendly older men for an evening. In Los Angeles, John Rechy called it "The City of Night," but there may
be no such place left on earth.
Not exactly…..you could go to third world countries. there is a very good chance of you finding what you're looking for there. I speak as someone unrelated to the oldest profession, but someone who lives in a third world country. Though i'm not exactly thrilled to be someone promoting sex tourism.....
I think Gay Gogo bars are the remnants of what you just described, but considering it's a gogo bar there's a good chance it'll turn into a sugar daddy type thing than the more casual thing you so eloquently explained.
i really think i would've liked being a teenager at the time you keep alluding to. Though considering the whole Plague thing.........