@F46660T said in Uploading new vs. reseeding old:
^^^^ lets talk about how you were STILL ONLINE for 3 hours after you stopped replying.... lets talk about how i still didnt get a reply back LOL- and also lets talk bout how tonight i sent an imgur link to the pictures to helpdesk and lets talk about how they didnt reply
I don't answer for others, only myself. I use a cloud-hosted VM to access this site, and my connection to that VM is through a VPN. I show as "online" for more hours in a day than most people can stay awake... that doesn't mean I'm in front of the keyboard for all that time.
Oh, and stalker much? Now you see WHY I take such precautions!
and if you wanna lowkey try and point out that im unemployed or some bullshit- lets talk about our jobs and our bank accounts, and then send eachother pictures of our bank accounts; and THEN lets talk about THAT too... id love to see what someone who dedicates their life to a gay torrent site is making, let alone wht type of job let alone if any at all
Not sure where that's coming from. I don't talk about my personal life here, much less finances... and I don't relate to others here like that either. Left field. Maybe check with your doctor? medications run out?
and learn the difference between being a "self-entitled one" and having ever goddamn given right to stick up for myself against a buncha nobodies wanting to be somebodies
Fine line between asking for a new burger, and demanding to see the President of McDonalds because yours was over-cooked. Fine line between just asking for a little customer service, and being a Karen. But, dear sir, you crossed that line... by a LOT!
lets TALKKKK about how it wasnt 1 hour PFFFT.... it was fucking 13 hours now in total- nor you or anyone else who apparently """volunteers""" didnt respond back either tonight when i messaged help desk with an imgur link with the 3 screenshots...
What's with the fascination with imgur? and screenshots?
You asked for special services. Your were told no. Can we move on now?
lets talk about how im always on the darkweb and have friends that are russian technocratz
I have friends too... we should congratulate each other in private, though...
lets TALKKKK about how i can literally get them to fuck your networking / data / electronics / and everything else you can think up online and offline- along with obtaining all of your personal information both online and offline....
OK, so if you are really trying to get yourself banned from the site, you're taking steps in the right direction...
LETS TALKKKK about how i can have them obliterate this site, since you wanna try and threaten to make me pay a measley 50 dollars when im sittin on 6 figures stacked thus so far...
I'm impressed... 6 figures! Is one of them a box, and the other a circle? I'll bet one is also a triangle!
No one here is making money. Not even the system owner, who gets all of the donations, but whose expenses GREATLY exceed any donations.
lets talk about how im not going anywheres wether i get blocked / disabled or not for simply speaking the truth and trying to get an answer outa just ONE of yous to be ignored every single time- and lets talk about how this has been going on for 2 months now, and the ppl on this site are lucky that me + alex + ruben + liam were nice enough to wait THAT long to finally get not an answer, but countless lack of answers when the same subject is brought up; proving what we have assumed all along...
Your truths are not the same for everyone... gee, let's do a reset here... this isn't National Security... this is a bunch of gay men sharing porn. Lock, stock, and barrel!
lets talk about how one of the mods on here who added me in instagram before i took my social out of my page due to everyone on this site adding me literally RATTED the ppl on this site out.... proving even more that once again- we were right all along
"ratted the ppl on this site out" - in exactly what way? What nefarious plot is there supposed to be? Are we secretly stealing your porn? Your mind? I'm missing the whole sub-plot here... maybe I've misunderstood the purpose of this site... isn't it just to share porn in an equitable and fair manner?
lets talk about how nothing is going to hurt the case of 4 pornstars with 6 digits (and more for 2 of them) in their savings..... not to mention, this site overall in general is illegal enough as it is- funding off of the porn they're illegally posting and profiting off of in the shadows definitely wont help lmfao
4 porn stars are going to be hurt with 6-digits (I don't know, a SSN is 9 digits, a us phone number is 7 or 10 digits... where are 6-digits coming from? Not 3 porn stars, not 5, not all porn stars, not "a lot of" porn stars... FOUR.
Have you been sleeping well?
lets talk about how you brought up that 50 dollars of dust because clearly the donations arent working for y'all- which is why y'all gotta profit off of peoples torrents that are getting THEE most attention and keep them up for yourselves after users delete their accounts- and no im not the only one...
Hmmm... in what way are we actually profiting off of other people's torrents? Remember: no torrent data is actually stored on our servers, we just put peers in touch with peers: share-givers, with share-takers. And we profit from this how?
Where did $50 come into play? I looked up your account - there is no indication of your having donated to the site. If you did under your old account, then that's too bad... as with everything else associated with that account, it's gone. I'm not sure what nuance of "deleted" was unclear to you.
"Long story short: I'm sorry you feel entitled to recover benefits from your old account. But no. You can't. "
^^^^^^ONCE AGAIN- and if you wanna lowkey try and point out that im unemployed or some bullshit- lets talk about our jobs and our bank accounts, and then send eachother pictures of our bank accounts; and THEN lets talk about THAT too... id love to see what someone who dedicates their life to a gay torrent site is making, let alone what type of job let alone if any at all- this aint about no benefits LMFAO this is MUCH more so about y'all not taking down their videos they gave me permission to upload- just for me to delete my account and for y'all to keep them up to fund off of THEIR property
OK, again with the finances. Same suggestion, same answer. NO ONE is making money here! Not even the Site Owner! Your (plural) donations offset his expenses, but come nowhere near what would be needed to cover them, much less make a profit!
But you do add another thing here... the idea of property. This is a sharing site. You didn't own what you shared to begin with, and once you started sharing it, you pretty much gave up any ownership rights.
So, I go back to my original point: You (and I) are just guests here, on this site. The Site Owner sees fit to allow me to admin some parts of this site, which I volunteer to do because I like porn and I like the idea of freely sharing it! He can boot me out tomorrow (today, even), just like he can boot you out!
If he does, there is nothing we can do about it, because we agreed to the terms of service when we setup our accounts here!
lets talk about how im the last one they're pissed at because i wasnt the one who knew shit uploaded was gonna be kept POSTED UP by yous to profit off of after i deleted my account- and being ignored when asking about it every single time
Can we stop at "deleted my account" - because that REALLY IS the end of it! Account deleted. Gone. Ooops, missed the chance to wave goodbye, because it's gone.
end of story there
LETS TALKKK ABOUT "BUT YES, WE CAN!" because they are already JUST starting the process via the law as i write this...
New laws - cool. In which country? Can't wait to see which country claims control over the Internet next! Such theater!
and ONCE AGAIN, learn the difference between being a "self-entitled one" and having ever goddamn given right to stick up for myself against a buncha nobodies wanting to be somebodies
Yeah, we covered that earlier too... fine line between a disgruntled client, and a Karen... and you done crossed that one a while back!
^^^^ LETS TALKKK ABOUT how aint FUCK ALL gonna happen to either of the 4 of us and how y'all will not only be in shit and paying $$$$ for using not only their videos left posted up to profit off off... BUT THIS ENTIRE FUCKING SITE IS GONNA SEND Y'ALL INTO THEEEE FUCKINGGGG GROUNDDD LMFAOOO
Four of us? Three of us? I have no idea what you're talking about, but again you allude to profits that just aren't there! I'll make a proposition - albeit I have no legal authority to do so...
I'll propose that you can have 10% of all of the profits from this site, so long as you agree that if the site loses money, you have to pay 10% of those losses. Deal? I'd bet the Site Owner would LOVE to have someone committed to covering 10% of the expenses of this site! ROFL!
Long story short, sweetie, you've made a lot of assumptions here... most of them being totally wrong.
"We are ALL - staffers & users alike - GUESTS here. Our access - at whatever levels that may be - is granted solely at the site owner's discretion, and can be revoked at the slightest of whims, at any time, for any reason."
^^^^ lets talk about how you can keep on tellin yourself that as a form of anxiety ridding comfort LMFAO
Long story short, sweetie, you've made a lot of assumptions here... most of them being totally wrong.
BTW: You agreed to these terms when you signed up....
^^^yes tf i sure did!!! but i didnt sign up to have the fucking videos left posted up when i DELETED my account for y'all to profit off of- and i didnt sign up for random ass nobodies to harass me and for me to not spit some slick shit back with every god damn given right- my daddy didnt raise a fuckin chump andim not sorry that y'alls did- the minimal few of y'all who actually had a father figure in ur lives LOL get real...
Long story short, sweetie, you've made a lot of assumptions here... most of them being totally wrong.
LETS TALKKKKK about how you not only did i not sign up for what im bout ot state but lets talk about how you didnt care enough to consider the racially fueled information i stated (not surprizing) =
"nah im good, theres no type of "problems" im scared of and/or going to get into; im not scared of a bunch of full grown whyte men in their late 40s . early 50s and up; sitting behind a computer who snap at anybody who doesnt share the same interests and/or beliefs as they do- and last but not least; people who dont share the same white blood and skin as them... and how barely anyone said a thing about me posting this seeking an answer from anyone else since y;all dont do ur jobs cuz yous dont wanna self snitch- when usually if i simply pointed out a forum filled with blatant racial comments and "jokes" (of a group of mods that is) id get screamed at with 583457485798 racial slurs- then having them try to call me "racist" in a split second- along with if i made it known that im not into scat or anything that anyone else is into = id get screamed at for simply having preferences that are not the same as theirs even though i never would get so wound up seeing people stating that they dont have the same preferences as me- just speaking from personal past experience; if i was to list things ive seen said and done to others id be here all night.. but yea, point being is = theres a reason theyre viewing and watching but staying SILENT- wen thats always been the last thing they would do / be.... always bein on their fuckin power trips screaming at strangers ike man-babies to make up for whatever tf it is they lacked in their miserable ass lives as a child; more than likely a father figure on top of not bein able to step up to all the kids who made fun of / name called / talked shit / pushed them around in school- so y'all use this site as an outlet to make up for the fact y'all couldnt do fuck all for yourselves as kids/teens- and CLEARLY still would never / could never if it was to someones face..."
Long story short, sweetie, you've made a lot of assumptions here... most of them being totally wrong.
"And finally, I will say this: the squeaky wheel doesn't always get the grease... sometimes it gets thrown away!"
^^^^^and this "squeaky wheel will roll right tf back in after you block me or disable me or whatever tf like a piece of cake- u clearly dont know ANYTHING about the darkweb let alone what russian technocratz can do LOL so say bbye i guess- bbut be ready to say HI!!!! im about 5 minutes after doing whatever tf ur gonna do- and it also wont stopy'all getting in the shit thats being arranged out as we speak 
Long story short, sweetie, you've made a lot of assumptions here... most of them being totally wrong.
this is a perfect example of why you shouldnt talk/act slick to strangers online because y'all dont even know who tf they are let alone what connections they could have... LOL
Long story short, sweetie, you've made a lot of assumptions here... most of them being totally wrong.
Sorry for the repetition... but YOU were so repetitive, I just couldn't keep it up...
You really should see a Doctor... these delusions could be a sign of something really bad!