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Posts made by trentreviso
RE: Huckabee likens gay marriage to incest, polygamy
It astonishes me that virtually no one in the Republican leadership has a clue about how life works.
Not a one of them.
RE: Marine officer: Gays, straights shouldn't share housing
Apparently, Gen. Conway is unaware that gay and straight marines have been living together for the past 235 years.
RE: Retired US General: Gay Dutch Troops Contributed to Srebrenica Massacre
Sheehan claims the Dutch told him that the gay soldiers were the reason the Dutch position was overrun by Bosnian Serb forces.
But all of the Dutch authorities - 100% of them - have been claiming the opposite.
So, Sheehan either has a very flawed memory or he is lying.
RE: US anti-gay rights senator Roy Ashburn comes out
Personally, I just can't wait for the day when people don't have to apologize for being gay.
But Ashburn should apologize for all those hypocritical anti-gay votes he passed.Strike that. No amount of apology could ever be enough.
RE: Johnny Weir Deemed “Not Family Friendly” Enough to Perform in Stars on Ice Tour
The difference between him and other athletes is that he has actually come to terms with his sexuality and embraced it.
Well, not exactly. He still refuses to acknowledge whatever is his sexual orientation, or discuss the issues he faces there.
RE: Funny One Liners…..
Everyone has a photographic memory. Some don't have film.
Perhaps this is why my ideas are never fully developed.
RE: [Pennsylvania High School Uses Webcams to Spy on Students at Home]
Here is a link to a video of the kid, talking to reporters: hXXp://
RE: What desperately needs, but how do we get it?
When I first joined a couple years ago, I tried to be very active, starting a fair number of new threads and weighing in on many of the discussions that interested me. I was hoping to stimulate more discussion amongst the active membership and bring out some of the lurkers.
Alas, my efforts failed miserably.
Content is what brings out participation. A forum for posting of nude pics and movie clips would help. A forum for erotic stories might generate some interest. A forum for discussion of music (with links to audio clips) might help (especially if a media player could be integrated into the web page). Re-organization of the fora to make the available content more obvious would help ("Off-Topic" conceals the presence of too many major "sub"-fora, which deserve to be advertised on the main fora "start" page).
It would help to facilitate discussion if hot links could be posted in the threads which actually linked to the content under discussion (as, for example, by routing the link through a re-directory service to conceal the origin of the link).
Finally, every sub-forum ought to be moderated by a person with interest in the subject of that forum. The forum moderator should be indicated on the start page of each sub-forum, with PM contact information for questions or comments. And moderators should be encouraged to start many threads themselves, to help initiate discussions in their areas of interest.
RE: Obama's State of the union address
Notice he didn't give a time frame for when he planned on repealing it.
You're right, raphjd. Obama gave no time frame for the repeal of DADT. When I listened to Obama's speech live, I understood that he was giving a firm commitment to the repeal of DADT this year.
But when I looked up the text of his speech on the internet, I was surprised. He didn't actually promise anything at all!
Obama devoted 38 words to DADT in his State of the Union address:
This year, I will work with Congress and our military to finally repeal the law that denies gay Americans the right to serve the country they love because of who they are. It’s the right thing to do.
So, in the coming year, the president will presumably work with Congress and work with the military with the intention of eventually repealing DADT. Are we to understand he has NOT already been doing this over the past year?!? During the 2008 campaign, Obama promised to be a "fierce advocate" for LGBT rights. Fierce? "Fierce" means he will eventually get around to discussing the eventual repeal of DADT with some of the people involved?!?
The sad thing is that Obama does not need the military or the Congress to repeal DADT. He could repeal it by executive order today if he wanted. He said of the repeal of DADT that "It's the right thing to do." If it's the right thing to do, why does he insist on continuing to do the wrong thing?
RE: Cindy McCain Poses for Ad Supporting Gay Marriage
^ The representation of hate.
I'm surprised they let her do this. She's making a mockery of her own party.
RE: Cindy McCain Poses for Ad Supporting Gay Marriage
Why is she holding an elephant?
Is that supposed to be the representation of hate?
RE: Today is my last day as a smoker
PS: My GP didn't allow me to go on the 6 month plan, because the stupid UK NHS rules.
In the USA, Chantix is NOT covered by ANY of the private insurance plans (and, of course, we famously have NO public health plan).
It costs about $150/month for the standard dose of 1 mg twice daily.
Hope you manage to stay off the ciggies, raphjd!
RE: Which web browser to use?
I agree with leatherbear. I like Firefox, but mostly for the plug-ins.
If Chrome gets widespread plug-in support, I may switch to Chrome. There is a small learning curve, but it is much faster than FF.
RE: Obama to Speak to Gay Audience
Obama seems to try hard to care about gays.
But it seems to be rather difficult for him to care all that much.
So he keeps "forgetting" us in favor of more worthwhile causes.
RE: Shutting down my accounts =(
I am still hoping you reconsider this, payroll.
It has been a pleasure having you here and on the other sites.
Life would not be the same without you.