My BiglyBT says it's B3.5.0.0/4 az3. It has been at least a month since last update. Same with my O/S, router, etc.
Whatever is going on may well be something related to the source of the traffic; yours would be different from mine assuming you're not secretly my next door neighbor or something.
Others have mentioned this, but I see it also. Torrents will connect and be fine for a while when I start a new torrent, or if I restart my client, as many as 100 or so will connect fine for an hour or so. After refreshes, almost all of them end up showing a timed out connection. Currently: 21 OK, 327 timed out. Other trackers: 100s OK, none timed out.
Maybe there is something to @spiffyweasel-0's idea about overeager DoS protection.