Only one vote is needed nowadays for the voting to be shown (due to low activity in voting).
Posts made by Popper
RE: Votes Needed to Be Shown?
RE: Big Files
Before answering longer, it needs first clarification if you mean Mega Bits (Mb) or Mega Bytes (MB). I don't think you mean milli bits (mb. You use per minute, which is quite unusual for bit rates. Those are usually indicated per second.
RE: Future of BluRay
I have DVD with movies on it bought in shops about 20 years old and still all playing … (at least last time I've put them in a player).
RE: Best Torrent Client
Vuze is a very powerful (feature wise) and customisable client, to the point it can become too complicated even for users knowing a bit about torrents. They got three levels of GUI options, therefore. It requires the Java Runtime, which is known for having frequently known vunerabilities.
Transmission was for long time the client of choice for Mac OS X users, but when µTorrent for Mac got "stable", I've seen many to change to it.
qBittorrent is running rather well on Windows, Mac and Linux. I just miss the Start/Stop and Force Start options in the version I use, which isn't the last stable available.
rtorrent/rutorrent is frequently run on Seedboxes and servers, it is a commandline client (rtorrent) with a graphic userinterface (rutorrent) accessed from your web browser and as far as I've seen (but not used) similar to µTorrent in look.
Other clients which get sometimes recommendations are Deluge, Tixati and BitComet. In the past we had mainly users of BitComet plagued with leaked passkeys (a few cases in total over years), though the developers on their forum say it don't exchanges torrents if set private … sorry, had not the time to test.
RE: Something else that confuses me about torrents
In addition:
Torrent's for private trackers, like's, have the "private" flag set. Some call that a Digital Rights Restriction (DRM), because if a torrent client respects that flag, all good do, it allows only peers from the tracker. That means only peers which are members of and have a valid passkey can get the IPs of other peers.
In opposite to that, public tracker torrents, like those indexed on The Pirate Bay or KickassTorrents, don't have that flag set and the client can get peers through other mechanism like DHT (Distributed Hash Table), PEX (Peer Exchange) and Local Peer Discovery.
So once the tracker isn't up and running, or the torrent removed ("unregistered torrent"), the clients will no longer get IPs of peers from the tracker. As long as the peers already known by the client continue to run the torrent, the exchange of the file can continue. Some clients like µTorrent don't save the peers information when shut down, others like qBittorrnt do, but as IPs are often given dynamically or peers seeing the torrent turning "red" stop it, exchange will stop sooner or later.
RE: Future of BluRay
1 to 2 years is for recordable DVD media, not "pressed" DVD, which are much longer keeping data.
RE: Confused about how torrents download…
Once the client has sent out each piece once, it will start with seeding them again, that avoids disaster
RE: Confused about how torrents download…
Basically the one initial seeding client is giving out mostly* different pieces to the different downloading peers. Then the downloading peers share the pieces among them. That leads to every downloading peer getting all the pieces which the initial seeding peer gave to the others.
In this process, peers with high free bandwidth get most of the pieces and will redistribute them to the other peers, often multiple times, which makes all getting a piece sent out by the initial seeding peer fast(er).
- = if the initial seeding peer has set the "initial seeding" (aka "superseeding", "strict initial seeding") function, he'll send out first each piece only once and it requires the downloading peers to ensure it's distributed further. This setting usually slows down the upload if there are only a few peers, but if there are many (~10) and the uploader got a slow upload connection, it optimises the use of it.
RE: Offline Timed out
Time out in the torrent client has nothing to do with the login to expire after 6 hours. It can have multiple reasons. Today it are most likely the tracker server being very slow, due to ongoing upgrades of the servers. So it is most likely not on your side and I thing back to normal while I write this. (The side loading was very slow most of the time this morning, too).
RE: Seed bonus not working?
Well, 6 points earned in 18 hours are looking correct, assuming the OP's computer doesn't run 24/7
RE: Seed bonus not working?
2.875 @2015-10-06 18:05:00 CEST
The torrent must show in your Profile as "Currently seeding" to get 0.5 points. (Perhaps it is important to note that it is a flat 0.5 points per hour (total), not per hour and per torrent.)The tracker will count as seeding any torrent which your client seeds 100% of the files in the torrent's file list. If you have downloaded all files or had them already and jumped on isn't important, means your client must not necessarily send the 'completed' download signal once to the tracker, but it needs to seed all the torrent's files completely.
RE: Annoying Unfixed Problem
Deselecting all three search boxes in the Profile Settings is a work around the first paragraph's issue of the opening post issue.
I can't reproduce the opening post second paragraph's issue and you give not enough details to look at yours.
RE: Can't DL, tracker (limit 2) But won't let me dl 1
If you select NOT to download all files of a torrent's file list, you never get 100% of all files and can't be a seeder. So the tracker will count you into the downloading peers. Of course the data which you upload will count towards your upload.
RE: “Original upload”, qu'est-ce que ça veut dire, au juste ?
C'est un torrent qui était poussé à la top du liste (triée par défaut par date), par le changement du date "Added" (ajouté).
Quand c'est fait, le système ajoute depuis mi décembre 2012 la mention "Original upload: …" avec la date le torrent était ajouté originellement.
Avant mi décembre 2012 ceci était faite manuellement et la forme de mention du date varie. -
RE: Unicode Recycling Symbols? ♺ = U+267A
Currently there is no way for members, except torrent staff, to promote (recycle) torrents.
There is since my earlier post added to the site's system an "auto recycler". It promotes old torrents, following a complex algorithm with a random component at a limited pace.
Staff uses the promotion for various reasons, e.g. an original with only 1 or 2 seeds in a duplicate report, testing if really dead before deleting, helping members to get it downloaded, helping members with ratio (torrents only seed by them), etc… but as there were complaints about too many promoted in the list, these cases are limited.
RE: Torrent wont download and cannot request
Last completed download must have been 2012 or earlier and purged from the data base. Therefore no member having completed can get a PM.
The uploader is still member and might see that it is requested to be reseed.
RE: Почему мне не попать в раздел DVD-R ?
Существует нет более конкретный диск DVD-R категория, смотреть в других категориях для них.
RE: Problem after upload
There are 3 categories which can be selected to be seen in your Profile Settings
Bisexual, Straight older and Straight younger
That allows members no to see these. Straight default is not to show it.
See as well
RE: Problem after upload
Yes, the one in qBittorrent previously downloading was uploaded (seeded) completely by now.
RE: Problem after upload
Your Profile shows one torrent you've uploaded been tried to be downloaded by your qBittorrent.
So on that torrent you've done most things right, except that when adding it to qbittorrent, you've not set the download to the directory in which you've got the movie file.
As a result, qBittorrent tries to download that movie file, instead of finding it and seeding.
Either you follow the "reseed instructions" OR:
1/ Right mouse click on that torrent in qBittorrent and select "Set location…"
2/ In the file navigator which opens navigate to the folder which contains the movie file and select it
3/ Click "Select folder"
4/ Run a recheck, it should check to 100%
The tracker you show is good to create a torrent in µTorrent or qBittorrent, but to seed, you need to use the re-downloaded .torrent file, not the original created. The tracker will be replaced with a URL having your personal secret passkey in it (so don't post that here).