If you've made the unfortunate decision to create your account using a DISPOSABLE (Temporary) Email address, such as those provided by the
"10 Minute Mail" or "20 Minute Mail" sites (as examples) you have violated strict account rules here, and your account may be thrown into
Warned Status, indefinitely.
Here's a site where you can test as to whether or not your email address is a DISPOSABLE (Temporary) or INVALID Email account:
Here's how to resolve this issue:
Please create a NEW GMAIL email account, then go to your profile, here: https://www.gaytorrent.ru/my.php
…And update your email address with the NEW GMAIL email address, in the box provided.
Then scroll down, and click on "Submit changes!"
This action will generate a NEW CONFIRMATION EMAIL, which will be sent to your new GMAIL email account.
Please REPLY to the new confirmation notice sent to your new GMAIL email account, which COULD possibly be in your JUNK or SPAM email box.
IF YOUR ACCOUNT WAS IN WARNED STATE, please write me directly: https://www.gaytorrent.ru/sendmessage.php?receiver=135714
requesting that the warned status be removed.
Thank you,
GTRU Staff