Hi, hco,
I don't think it "you" or your utorrent, per se…
Out of the dozens of torrents you are seeding, only 2 have any members downloading.
I just made THIS one freeleech, so you can watch and see the uploading improve on this video:
Other advice that might help?
Initially choose only new torrents to download that seem popular, to insure that you will have others downloading (from you, to raise your ratio) after you finish. Our site runs a bit different than other torrent sharing porn sites, because of the vast number of new torrents that get uploaded every day. This tends to make the "popularity" of new torrents be rather short-lived; thus you need to really choose VERY RECENT torrents to download, to share, when trying to repair your ratio.
If you ever wish to earn upload credit for reseeding videos (where you already have the video on your hard drive), the illustrated procedure is here:
The best way to continue to earn upload credit is to seed EVERYTHING you download, forever. This means DO NOT STOP your torrent nor torrent client, after downloading completes. KEEP IT RUNNING, so it can seed to the the next member who wants this video, and help improve your ratio. While continuing to seed, you'll be earning a bonus point every two hours you offer to seed, regardless of whether other members are downloading from you or not.
Keep a very close eye on your Ratio, since it will take considerably more time to UPLOAD than it did to download. I would suggest you activate certain columns in your torrent client, so as to keep a close eye on each torrent statistics, in the future. On most torrent programs, you can right-click in the column headings and choose additional columns to be able to view.
I personally recommend "Name", "Size", "Done", "Added on", "Status", "Completed", "Down Speed", "Up Speed", "Seeds", "Ratio", "Peers", "ETA", and Tracker" as essential information and sort-columns. On most torrent programs, you activate these headings by right-clicking on the headings, and selecting and de-selecting your headings, as needed. You can also re-size the headings, by clicking and holding down on the right side of the heading, and dragging it a little bit to the left. You can reposition the columns by clicking (on the column heading) and holding down the mouse button, dragging the column left or right, as desired.
Take care,