… acceptable? So we are looking for a formula or number to descriminate if one guy atracts us or not, or if one couple looks good together or not? Personally unless is 18- I don't care, and I don't care about other couples being socially ok or not, society in general has idealistic twisted sights, so why am I looking for aproval of others, unless it's blatant descrimination of anyone rights, and that refers to abuse too, why would anyone care, it's overgeneralizing and steryotiping.
Posts made by myrea
RE: Age Gaps
RE: 'No Fats or Fems'
Non-white LGBT people have a special place in my heart too. Racism still exists, and being gay can be tough enough as is. It's the fems, trans-people, and drag queens that fought, and still fight, hardest for our rights. They deserve respect! I love ALL of my LGBT people! :love:
:true: Just focus on loving instead of hating :bravo:
RE: Butts of all types…....
:thankyou: This actually rminds me of a strange "request" does anyone have pics of ass with jockstrap tanlines? I'm going to :google: Keep this one alive´and butting.
RE: Which type of Porn turns you on the most?
Outdoor Sex … best in Speedos or Cycling Gear ;D
Don't care so much about bareback or not ...:true: Outdoor sex has always been on the trends, there were some dogging videos, but is kind of rare as a subgenre, I reallllly love our vintage category.
RE: Uganda to pass anti-gay law before 2013, says Kadaga
You can see some interviews of a gay reporter there and it's heart breacking, the pure disgust of politics brain washed people and specially the CULT bishops… if that does not make you puke well.. imagine the torture there people live, not being able to have a nice house, living with fear and secluded, their own familly torturing and killing them by perfid horrid ways. It is the ugly part of humans there... and well the whole " it's not african" let's see african paganism has transexuals gays and a lot more, so yes it's african too, it's universal being gay it's biologic and natural.
RE: Vatican Digs In After Gay Marriage Advances
I grow tired of the hate, I just don't listen anymore neither do people in general, it's all so rotten to the core… I can only say this, marriage does not belong to the catholics, it existed before, it's just an arrangement, a settlement between propriety owners, and there were pagan marriages between same sex couples, more often lesbian ones, and the church should at least know it's own history since untill the pseudo reform gay men had a paper in festivities, and there are many codex that still speack of gay marriages from the 12 and so on centuries. Hipocrisy at its best.
RE: Olá a todos os Portugueses.
É bom saber que há mais gente portuguesa por estes lados.
O problema é que estes tópicos são pouco dinamizados…Uma tentativa de dinamização: o que acham da actualidade política do país?
Epá isso dá pano para mangas, para começar qual política que isto é uma corja de ratos e não de políticos, é cada um a tirar para si e o país ao desvario…
Nem sei por onde começar... pela imbecilidade dos de agora, pelos anteriores pelos culpados nº1, pela inactividade de um movimento de salvação?
Vejamos já comprometeram o tribunal constitucional, já puseram a bandeira de pernas para o ar durante uma cerimónia de estado, já andam a reformatar o exército e agora vão rever a constituição... digamos que começando por ai já houve um controle de poder e um golpe de estado e não estamos mais numa républica constitucional estamos a avançar para um outro regime securitário, depois temos uma cobra chamada Cavaco que eu não entendo como o povo português é estúpido o suficiente para votar em... o hómem é o principal responsável pela situação, ou já se esqueceram de quem desmontou a agricultura pescas e indústria? E estou sinceramente espantado que com os psp a revoltarem-se o exército e o povo na rua ainda não tenham acabado com esta palhaçada devem gostar de sofrer... aniway além das famílias, a corja que invade os bancos e os seus complots, os jogos da bolsa, e os pseudo ditames de idiotas que não percebem patavina de economia e tecnocracia diga-se Merkel e Barroso... não me espantaria nada que tivéssemos uma regressão séria cá igual a grécia em 2013. -
RE: Underwear for Your Body Type
Hmm there are so many designs and cuts of underwear even among the trunks or slips so even if one does not look that good other may look so this tips most of them get a bit irrelevant… and I'm all for fark me suggetion let's see some pics and suggestions ahaha
RE: Which type of Porn turns you on the most?
Honestly I don't care… and I find amusing when people say bareback is more intimate... intimacy defined by a piece of vinil... forget the emotion the love or brute sex making it's all about a little piece of vinil.
RE: 'No Fats or Fems'
I always find ironic how the community stigmatizes itself, straight looking gay men became a fad here too, and well I always laugh when they call fems as if they were inferior, because from where I am standing; first a hetero will always find those same straight looking gays effeminated because yes some try to hide their flamboyance and well it keeps coming out ahaha, and second there is the stereotype, second it takes much more balls to be a fem gay man than a macho one… and well we have the age gap issue too, and let's be real noone is as cruel to a gay has another gay, looks for most are all that matter and then they wonder why their relations last 3 months if that.
RE: Dr. Oz And Dr. Diane Harper Discusses Gardasil, The HPV Vaccine
First before all this Vaccine was not designed for men, and there are very few studies of it's effect on men, second you can only take the vaccine before you had the infecction, third this vaccine is only against the cancer develloping malign virus (colon cancer and others), which translates to it does not treat anal warts, hpv can be erradicated threw many ways however it may take years to get it out of your system, so if you are in the cruising life well you're asking for it, condom's do minimal protection, you might think about making sure the partner has no wart, and make sure you get well cleaned and desinfected after sex.
HPV is transmitted threw the touch of your muccosa and some skin with the wart of the other person, some of the species are also easier to catch than others.
If you had genital warts make sure you get colonoscopy at 40 and other tests, since you are more prone to cancer, oral warts are rare, oral cancer is rocketing if you are feeling pains or swellings and it's not related to the amygdalas, well make sure you are observed, simple black coffee everyday without sugar is being seen as a good preventor of cancer growth orally.
RE: Torrents will not seed once downloaded
That is a particular (valid) view. However I am totally against the perversion to download new torrents not liked, just to try to improve the share ratio. If everyone does that, it amplifies the situation and it creates traffic just for traffic, not to get a file.
It is not that important that there are mostly bareback North American productions, but that there are hundreds or thousands of other things, too.
:true: However most of this other "diverse" go really fast out of seeders, this "perversion" you mentioned is happening, mostly because people are tired of waiting for something and they want to balance the ratio since they downloaded those other torrents which were almost dead. I was being ironic about it too, I believe in the method you advised, however it works well only for new torrents if someone wanted to download mostly the old torrents he's ratio would be very hard to maintain on the positive side, certainly being rare however it do happens.
RE: Torrents will not seed once downloaded
So basicly one has to follow the crowd of the ever popular mainstream porn studios in order to have ratio to get the porn we actually want, some being almost dead because we like it but the majority of population here does not, we have to download for the sharing ratio things we don't care about… and I pass to rant that the top is almost the same, bbk-american studio (with exception of ERICVIDEOS) some of this films shared in different categories same file, in 2 different sizes in 3 different codec formats... and the amount of double and even triple copies, but has I look to the request section its also all there is requests about, I remeber that some years ago there were much more diversity in torrents, and you could see people actually searched for old files too, now it seams more and more than beyound the fourth page of browing there lies death by oblivion, it's all about getting the newest file.
RE: GETTING an Erection….does it exist in porn any more ?
It's called the generic porn rule, 2 hunks, 13 to 25 mn play scene, oral leads to anal, and it's insanely unrealistic… guess what with some tweaks on ethnicity and number of partners bbk or not, it's all most downloaded porn here is about, foreplay in porn is not that rare, if you look more into european and asiatic porn, but in general yes most of porn is lacking in the "natural" department, and some people get bad sex from trying to transpose it to real life too which I find hilarious, with most bottoms getting anal wreckage from trying to fit huge things in them and getting no pleasure or erection at that, and let's not talk about how people get together now in more of a lust base than fealings and how it lasts...
RE: Straight/Bi Section
OK, here the thing:
Some files are NOT Bisexual, but straight.
The reason: girl-on-girl, in this case (in this site)
would be under STRAIGHT porn, not Bi.Now, I love Bisexual films, but as long as there
are 2 guys + 1 Girl (at the very least) doing it. That's bi.And why can's shut down straight porn without shutting
down the Bi porn? I really like Bi, but no so much straight/Lesbo..
please can moderators do something herecheers!
Wait why is someone posting lesbo in here? Isn't it against the rules, you can only post torrents with at least a guy here. :afr:
RE: Straight/Bi Section
The mention of bestiality had nothing to do with sanctions leveled against Genas. Re-read it and judge for yourself from even just that comment, on whether his intention was to meaningfully contribute to discussion or only to be inflammatory. By all means, contribute to a discussion, but don't use the forum to merely rant absurdly.
Farkme I believe the last part was refered to Genas rant in bestiality and not to you being ranting.
And AndyMorrow33 you maybe missunderstood has overly agressive when you say things like "Anyone else want to be a smart ass?" specially since we don't have access has you mentioned to whatever talk had been going between you and Genas, or "I would think again before making a serious accusation against me or any moderator regarding abuse of authority" that's what Farkme was commenting there was no need to go there, you could had simply stated What Genas had done wrong.
RE: Uploads Go Live Immediately for Everbody (Experimetal)
Can some Mod please check there is a poster filling the Bi section with straight bdsm uploads.
RE: Straight/Bi Section
I hope to be wrong about this site filling with trolls, I know very well you work directly against it :hug2:, but I just signaled a gay bash in one torrent comments, and well I hope this discussion stands in reasoning arguments, and not tun into a clash of power, for all that's worth the poll ranked equal so let's see how it will work in the next weeks, if it goes sour I know something will be done, this site would not fail the community it sticked by for all this years.
RE: Straight/Bi Section
No need for wars but…
Genas –- Show me where there is one film containing MFF in our bisexual category. . . and even if it does, if someone abhors the thought of seeing vag in their porn, why would someone even be in the bisexual section anyway? It's a pointless distinction with no practical relevance.
Cornflkgam ---- totally agree with your perspective. . . gays can totally get into bisexual and/or straight films for the STRAIGHT GUYS. Some gays just don't get that its a fetish.
Nice save with moving this one to the straight younger section https://www.gaytorrent.ru/details.php?id=151378 , it's not the vag it's just it leaves less a gay guy would desire, a bissexual perhaps would have a fill, but only a shot of a cock for 15 min in a 2 hours run well it's bound to happen and some will freak, about the fetish well for me it's understandable but also a bit of bullshit… you do know that most actors do both gay and straight porn anyhow right? So unless you are into a specific guy who never did gay porn... and then you have the gay guy doing straight porn also it happens a lot more than anyone thinks, and most straight films don't even shoot the guys faces... and well if people can't find 30-40 guys in gay porn they aren't searching...
RE: Straight/Bi Section
I kinda feel that's is beyound the point to post straight torrents in a gay site, there is an universe of sites which you can go for that… but for me it's all ok, freedom of sharing all the way, however let not the flood of straight sections begin, we have too many already...
and a bit offtopic but let me blah on this, I'm more annoyed with how some torrents are always put on first page of search, they maybe 1 2 weeks old and still getting the privilege of visibility, and getting all the seed, while some other torrents are second, third page hidden in half a day, some of those from users who need the seed, I know that some torrents are prone to be more popular, but the visibility is way unfair. That and the overload of same film but posted in a different sizes or formats, I know its better to have the choice but sometimes it's basically spam.