Ridiculous to say that the GOP is a hate group when the Democratic Party founded the KKK.
I addressed your misinformation in another thread.
The White Southern Conservatives founded, and are, the KKK. In the past, they voted Democrat, now they vote Republican, but they remain White Southern Conservatives.
The only reason black people switched in the South was because FDR (democrat) said he would make sure they all had jobs.
That is an incredibly racist thing to say, and is part of the standard GOP mentality of "lazy blacks".
In reality, it was the Civil Rights Act of 1967, which the Democrats supported and the Republicans fought against.
Google "the Southern Strategy" and learn the history of your nation- or, rather, the history of the US, since I have no clue what nation you are from.
The GOP is hateful to gay people, yes, but the democrats are no better. This left wing right wing baloney is nonsense.
Every single bit of LGBT rights legislation that has passed is because of the Democrats.
Trump is not a Republican.
No one mentioned Trump- just Republicans.
Here you are, confusing Trump with Republicans, while complaining about other people confusing Trump with Republicans. DO you bring Trump up in every conversation? Which do you prefer Colt, or BelAmi? Does Trump factor into that decision?
He only ran as one because Hillary had the Democrat ticket and running as Independent would have landed him nowhere, as you all know. Hillary praised Margaret Sanger, who claimed that black people were weeds and needed to be eradicated, and you actually voted for that bitch. Horrible.
You keep showing that you fall for any brainwashing propaganda that the alt-right puts forward, and never bother to do any independent research into it's validity.
Shame on you.
You are helping your own oppressors- that is, if you even are gay.
All Trump said was that gay marriage should be a State's Issue, not a fascistly decided concept by the Supreme Court.
What you call "fascist" other people realize is HUMAN RIGHTS, which are a FEDERAL issue.
Southern States- meaning Conservative Republicans- are notoriously against Gay rights. YOU would subject your LGBT brothers and sisters to the whims of those bigoted state governments instead of upholding HUMAN RIGHTS on a national level.
Why is that?
Mind you, the Supreme Court doesn't actually have the authority to interpret the law,
Other than, oh, you know, the fact that is EXACTLY the function of the Supreme Court- to determine if laws are Constitutional or not, and strike down the ones that are not.
You cannot force everyone and all the states to go along with your viewpoint just because of some judge's interpretation of the law. Forcing people to recognize your homo-wedding is turning you into exactly the kind of person you have fought against for so long. Force is what is not good. Let people make up their own minds, they're going to judge you regardless. Just be a good person and quit trying to make everyone go along with your victimhood mentality.
So, in other words- there is absolutely no way in hell that you are gay.
You complain about the federal government "forcing" states to recognize a viewpoint, while applauding States being able to force individuals to recognize a viewpoint.
That is madness.
Instead, it should be, and IS, that INDIVIDUALS have the right to make up their own minds, not states.
Why do you think States should have more rights than Individual human beings?