This is a question for the Conservatives, Republicans, Trump followers, Alt-Right, or anyone else on the right side of the economic spectrum:
Right now, if you come home and see your house was robbed, you can call the police. They come, take your statement, and investigate. You do not have to directly pay them anything.
If they find the criminal and arrest him, you still do not have to pay them anything. The police patrol the streets as a preventative measure to stop crime- again, you do not have to pay them anything directly.
You pay them indirectly, through taxes. We all do, collectively. We all pay taxes that goes to benefit the police, and at the federal level the FBI, because they benefit us all as a nation.
If your house is burning, the fire department comes and puts out the fire. They do not get your "fire Insurance" first. They do not give you an invoice after. They are paid collectively, by the government, through our taxes.
I do not see many conservatives wanting police and fire departments to be in the private sector as a pay per use service.
Yet, for some reason, they consider medical care to be different. In all three cases (crime, fire, medical), an emergency happens, and people need help. It is not a luxury, it is a necessity. In all three cases, people require preventative measures to help stop emergencies from happening.
In all three cases, it is to the benefit of all of us to handle these problems as fast and as early as possible- fire leaps from house to house, crime happens in waves, and illnesses spread.
It is simply logical, it just makes SENSE, to anyone who bothers to think about this issue that we NEED Single-Payer Universal Health Care coverage. Yes, Obamacare has problems, Trumps idea was worse, and nobody is bringing up the VA. There are plenty of nations with successful single-payer health care systems for us to emulate, instead of going back to what we had before Obamacare- which was the WORST health care system in the developed world.
So, please tell me- what is the rational argument AGAINST having a Single-Payer Universal Health Care program?