The celebrity replied to me, saying that while he likes Obama, he does not like Obamacare!
Uh, how is that possible? That doesn't add up!For people like you, it is impossible for you to agree with Obama on anything, or disagree with Trump on anything.
That is not true at all. Obama didn't really do anything other than Obamacare and gay marriage, so it's difficult to agree with someone who did nothing.
And with that, you proved me right on the first half.
Trump gives too many explanations. The libtards don't believe his explanations and tear them down, so why give them explanations to begin with? He didn't need to give any reason to fire Comey. He should have just fired him. No explanation.
As for tax returns. There is no obligation for a president to share his tax returns. He should just say he is NOT going to do that and move on. Why should he show them? That doesn't help anybody including himself, and only jeopardizes himself, and the country.People fail to understand that when our own libtard citizens and politicians attack Trump.. that just gives our adversaries in other countries ammunition to use against Trump. Why should other countries respect the USA when the people in the USA don't respect the USA?
And with that, you proved the second half correct.
You want Trump to be a dictator- to do whatever the hell he wants with no explanation.
If it was Obama, you would scream about lack of transparancy.
You defend Trump hiding his taxes when all presidential candidates make them public, and when Trump himself atacked Romney for not making his public, and swore that he would make his public.
And conservatives demanded to see everything about Obama, including old school tests and reports.
When Obama was president, conservatives attacked him relentlessly- does that mean they did not respect the USA?
Hypocrite conservatard.
And BTW- every time you use the term "libtard" it just shows how much of brainwashed moron you are. You are unable to engage in any civil discourse- all you can do is demonize others, you are incapable of ever listening to what they actually have to say.