Back in the olden days, people had freedom of speech, and they were allowed to express their opinions. These days, avaricioius cyber monopolies such as Twitter, Facebook, and Youtube exercise absolute authority in deciding what is truth and what is fiction, and can censor anybody they want, including people like Rand Paul, Rudy Giuliani, President Trump, and ME! Whoever controls the flow of information AND it's content - wields the power.
On a side note, it is amusing that these supposedly mega successful "geniuses" are ultimately failures who wind up screwing up, getting divorced, and hanging out with unsavory characters such as Epstien, Cuomo, and Weinstein. Bozo Bezos and limp dicked Microsoft asshole Gates are two prime examples. ..And then there are the mega-hypocrite "green" advocate elite who think that spending billions to send random people 50 miles up into space for an hour is a good thing! Send Pelosi on a one-way trip to Mars, then it will be a good thing.