I am staying out of this ridiculous argument, but as a circumcised male, who has been circumcised his entire life, didn't feel a thing as it was done at my birth, and happens to know via education that whether it actually has any health benefit that it is done for purported health benefit I resent being told I am mutilated. Do we call men with piercings mutilated?
You don't like it, don't like it. Maybe you are unused to seeing circumcised penises. I am not. A preference or unfamiliarity with something does not give someone the right to slap a derogatory description on people. A preference to heterosexuality and unfamiliarity with homosexuality gets us called faggots, poofters, fudgepackers, fruit loops, and a host of other things. They show intolerance. Are they ok too because it's a "preference"? I didn't ask to be circumcised, nor am I asking not to be. I am asking to be respected whether I have been circumcised or not. I don't go around calling uncircumsised men "doggy dick".
[ myoot-l-eyt ]SHOW IPA
See synonyms for: mutilate / mutilated / mutilation on Thesaurus.com
High School Level
verb (used with object), mu·ti·lat·ed, mu·ti·lat·ing.
1 to injure, disfigure, or make imperfect by removing or irreparably damaging parts:
Vandals mutilated the painting.
2 to deprive (a person or animal) of a limb or other essential part.
1damage, mar, cripple.
I am not injured, imperfect, or irreparably damaged. My foreskin was not essential, and my circumcision did not cripple my dick. The disfigure part is entirely subjective.
@raphjd In the developed world? Which developed world are you talking about? In my country multiple people have tattoos.