@eobox91103 After all, Q says so, and Q has a direct line to InfoWars via PillowMan. Or something like that. Connect the dots, la-la-lala.

Posts made by jsl76
RE: Mike Lindell, Another Billionaire, on Infowars.
RE: One Pallet of Ballots left to count.
Lies, lies, lies. As usual. But good game, comrade.
RE: Everyone Wants to Be on INFOWARS
@manhandler Another lie. Infowars is a den of crackpot conspiracy theories aired to make Alex Jones money on substandard supplements that his audience buys.
RE: Mike Lindell is right. This election is fraudulent.
All of this is a brazen lie. There is no evidence, and the creepy pillow dude is not a crusader for truth. As usual, our resident Russian disinformation agent is literally making shit up, posting it here, and pretending like it's the truth in a pathetic attempt to undermine America's confidence in ourselves and our democracy.
But I see you for what you are, Comrade Commissar.
Stop lying. You've been outed. Go bother other people with your lies and gaslighting.
RE: 3 States Touring the AZ election audit today, Georgia, Alaska, Colorado.
@manhandler No, actually, it won't. But stay frosty in your Russian disinformation cell, Comrade.
RE: 3 States Touring the AZ election audit today, Georgia, Alaska, Colorado.
Biden won. I don't like it, but facts are facts.
These "audits" are nothing more than a clown show. These elections have been audited in detail in November and December according to statute -- and, in many cases, by Republican clerks and Republican elections boards.
A class of grifters, sucking up to Trump's anus like remoras, is peddling a demonstrably false claim of a stolen election. Every chance they've come before the courts, they've been dismissed -- including by Trump judges.
You are lying. Stop it. People like you are undermining our democracy, and it wouldn't surprise me a bit to find out that you're not really an American but rather a Russian troll somewhere in the Moscow suburbs engaged in disinformation campaigns on behalf of cruel dictator Vladimir Putin.
RE: Where is the Conservative Outrage?
@manhandler said in Where is the Conservative Outrage?:
@manhandler And will they exceed 1%? They already exceeded 17.5%, but double digits or not, 1% fraud should be looked at and dealt with. 17.5% is the number of ballots more found in a box labelled with 17% less. So a pallet of ballots said there was 500 ballots in it but there was 650. Do you get it? 17.5% off. Double digit fraud, not just 1%. Get used to it. We are not going to let this go.
And because of this rank idiocy, the GOP is going to take a beating in 2022. I blame you fucking conspiracy whackjobs for the loss of two Georgia Senate seats and all the ridiculousness that this country will have to endure because of it.
THERE WAS NO MEANINGFUL ELECTION FRAUD IN THE 2020 ELECTION. Lies to the contrary hurt the conservative cause and empower progressive governance.
RE: Where is the Conservative Outrage?
@bi4smooth said in Where is the Conservative Outrage?:
@jsl76 said in Where is the Conservative Outrage?:
Flynn himself repudiates what's been ascribed to him: https://news.yahoo.com/michael-flynn-denies-suggesting-myanmar-220150348.html
Flynn says he didn't mean it - and I trust him in that (though if you watch the video, there isn't much to walk back... which is to say, he doesn't give himself much "wiggle room"... he's pretty blatantly calling for a military coup!)...
My outrage isn't so much with him (tho it is to a lesser extent), it is with the crowd's reaction - in full, enthusiastic support of a military coup because they lost an election!
I'm using this term in another topic, but it's apropos here as well - this is Nationalist Fascism! \
Self-delusional, and dangerous!
Have you ever actually attended a political rally? I have. I'm a member of my county's GOP executive committee in Michigan. When the crowd gets riled up, you could literally yell "hot dogs made from aborted babies cause hemorrhoids" and the people would be like, "right on, right on." Left or Right. I don't get worked up about what happens in political theater. Half the time, no one knows what they're cheering about, anyway.
"Nationalist fascism" is redundant. Fascism is, by definition, nationalist. But if you think the GOP is fascist, you're on crack. Apart from a handful of legit neo-Nazi groups on the far fringes, there's no fascism in the U.S. Abusing the term for political shits and giggles is morally reprehensible and intellectually dishonest.
RE: Where is the Conservative Outrage?
@manhandler said in Where is the Conservative Outrage?:
@jsl76 Well that's what's being reported. So I am willing to bet it's true because this source is usually accurate. You wanna make a bet? Who wants to make a bet!? Let's make this a casino! 100 dollars if I'm right, to me, from you. Make it 1,000. I bet you 1K$ that 30K fake ballots were discovered in Georgia.
No, it's not "being reported," unless you count the breathless repeating of conspiracy hypotheses to be a "report."
RE: Where is the Conservative Outrage?
@manhandler said in Where is the Conservative Outrage?:
Well, it's been made very clear that the election was fraudulent. 30,000 ballots in Georgia were discovered as totally fake now... printed on a different kind of paper than all the other ballots, with the same mark for just Biden done by printer ink, all sequentially in a row like -ballot number one, ballot number two, ballot number three (not the way they would appear in the mail). Just wait. The conservative outrage is focused not on a hero like Michael Flynn, who was set up and exonerated! He was found NOT guilty, and they set him up, the people you are defending (criminals). What happened here is worse. They stole the election and compromised our entire nation with a weak demented old man controlled by strings.
There is no truth to the claim that 30k fraudulent ballots were discovered in Georgia. This is a lie. I challenge progressives when they lie, and I challenge fellow conservatives when they lie.
RE: The left is eating itself.
@bi4smooth said in The left is eating itself.:
I tell you what: water is good for you - necessary for life... I suggest you drink 3 gallons of water a day for a week. (Actually - I want to be clear: that's sarcasm! If you really did that, you would literally drown!)
Incorrect. You don't drown from drinking. Instead, you'd succumb to hyponatremia, which is the condition when there's too little sodium in the bloodstream, thus damaging your cells.
RE: Keep that mask on your face you dirty human.
@bi4smooth said in Keep that mask on your face you dirty human.:
@raphjd said in Keep that mask on your face you dirty human.:
Your beloved Fauci, the WHO, CDC, etc, etc, etc have all flip-flopped on masks. If the experts can't make up their minds, then how do you expect the non-experts to know the truth?
It's also like how Fauci and Co have suddenly reversed themselves on whether it was, at least in part, made in the Wuhan lab.
If you wear 2 swimsuits, you can pee in the pool. If you wear 3 swimsuits, you can shit in the pool.
For 4,000 years, every expert on the planet thought the world was flat (some people still do! really!)...
New information = new scientific results. But not when you're an ideologue defending the "supreme infallibility" of your "movement"...
When you were 2, your parents thought you'd NEVER get potty trained! I can only presume that you eventually proved them wrong... should they have "stuck to their guns" - even AFTER you started to "pee in the big boy potty"??? I think not. (Thankfully, for you anyway, your parents weren't ideologues about potty training!)
This clinging to old data is pure "Nationalist Fascism" - straight outta the playbook! Your "side" is infallible... you couldn't have made a mistake, and you can't let something like FACTS get in the way of your "message"...
It's a tired trope - and, while it's never made it this far in US History before, there have been other periods of highly "popular" Nationalist Fascism in this country... it eventually crumbles under the increasing weight of having to prop up so many lies and falsehoods... all in support of conspiracy theories.
I'm biding my time... and I should point out that I don't fault you for these insane beliefs! You're "following your leaders"... you're being misled. You are to be pitied, not vilified!
None of your screed makes any sense. As usual.
It's pretty clear (Fauci himself admits it) that the US government lied about masks at the beginning of the pandemic to protect frontline workers, and then the government refused to update mask guidance for nearly nine months after better information about the vector of infection became available.
RE: Where is the Conservative Outrage?
Flynn himself repudiates what's been ascribed to him: https://news.yahoo.com/michael-flynn-denies-suggesting-myanmar-220150348.html
RE: How big is your porn folder?
I have nearly 3 TB in what I call my "Named" folders (curated by performer) and an additional 4.2 TB in miscellaneous folders sorted at a high level by content type.
Then again, I never delete anything (except dups) and I have a large NAS drive, so space isn't an issue for me.
RE: Twitter does NOT suspend liberals spewing hatred
@bi4smooth said in Twitter does NOT suspend liberals spewing hatred:
@jsl76 said in Twitter does NOT suspend liberals spewing hatred:
@bi4smooth said in Twitter does NOT suspend liberals spewing hatred:
@jsl76 said in Twitter does NOT suspend liberals spewing hatred:
@bi4smooth said in Twitter does NOT suspend liberals spewing hatred:
You couldn't be MORE wrong:
- Parler was not de-listed on Android's "store" at all, but Apple DID de-list them - but not for politics... when they were de-platformed, they became in violation of Apple's agreements.
Why do you insist on telling people they're wrong when a simple Google search will prove that you are either lying or woefully ignorant? Parler WAS pulled from Google Play Store -- see https://edition.cnn.com/2021/01/08/tech/parler-google-play-removed/index.html for the story.
OK, that must've come after Apple did it - and after they were de-platformed. I freely admit I haven't "stayed up" with the Parler story - and why would I? It's not something I find interesting:
- They were shut-off by AWS (Amazon Web Services) - so what? There are literally dozens of big-name competitors, and hundreds of smaller ones...
What would you do if your cell carrier dropped your service? Complain? File a lawsuit? Or, walk over to another carrier and start service with them!
This has been a NON-Story from the beginning!
When we say "We live in a free society" that freedom cuts both ways!
- ISPs have disconnected users because of torrenting DMCA-protected files... complaints were made to the FCC, who supported the decision to "de-platform" users who the carrier didn't want to support they "way they used the service"
- Phone companies have disconnected users because of complaints of spam calling... complaints were made to the FCC... same result: they don't HAVE to keep you as a customer.
Personally, with the new law in Florida purporting to fine Twitter or FB if they kick out a political candidate... if I was Twitter (or FB), as soon as the first fine was levied, I'd cutoff the entire State! Bye Bye!
For someone who can't be bothered enough to perform even basic research, you sure seem invested in spewing many unnecessary lines of prose on the subject.
Again: what would motivate me to re-research (or, more correctly, update) my earlier research... This is a DUMB topic for the reasons given...
Parler is no-longer de-platformed - they found a new host. (I have no idea if they're back on Apple's or Google's phone-app stores - and I don't care).
You're like children whose ice cream was dropped - 6 months ago - and you still want to hash out why it happened! Be an adult: buy another cone!
And yet, you continue to bloviate on the topic. Newsflash, sugarplum: People who think a topic is "dumb" generally don't engage with it on Internet forums. They pass it by. So you're now even lying about your own motivations. Sad and pathetic.
Why can't you just admit that you'd rather lie and gaslight about a topic than to research it so you can engage in civil debate? That refreshing burst of honesty might do you some good.
RE: Twitter does NOT suspend liberals spewing hatred
@bi4smooth said in Twitter does NOT suspend liberals spewing hatred:
@jsl76 said in Twitter does NOT suspend liberals spewing hatred:
@bi4smooth said in Twitter does NOT suspend liberals spewing hatred:
You couldn't be MORE wrong:
- Parler was not de-listed on Android's "store" at all, but Apple DID de-list them - but not for politics... when they were de-platformed, they became in violation of Apple's agreements.
Why do you insist on telling people they're wrong when a simple Google search will prove that you are either lying or woefully ignorant? Parler WAS pulled from Google Play Store -- see https://edition.cnn.com/2021/01/08/tech/parler-google-play-removed/index.html for the story.
OK, that must've come after Apple did it - and after they were de-platformed. I freely admit I haven't "stayed up" with the Parler story - and why would I? It's not something I find interesting:
- They were shut-off by AWS (Amazon Web Services) - so what? There are literally dozens of big-name competitors, and hundreds of smaller ones...
What would you do if your cell carrier dropped your service? Complain? File a lawsuit? Or, walk over to another carrier and start service with them!
This has been a NON-Story from the beginning!
When we say "We live in a free society" that freedom cuts both ways!
- ISPs have disconnected users because of torrenting DMCA-protected files... complaints were made to the FCC, who supported the decision to "de-platform" users who the carrier didn't want to support they "way they used the service"
- Phone companies have disconnected users because of complaints of spam calling... complaints were made to the FCC... same result: they don't HAVE to keep you as a customer.
Personally, with the new law in Florida purporting to fine Twitter or FB if they kick out a political candidate... if I was Twitter (or FB), as soon as the first fine was levied, I'd cutoff the entire State! Bye Bye!
For someone who can't be bothered enough to perform even basic research, you sure seem invested in spewing many unnecessary lines of prose on the subject.
RE: Twitter does NOT suspend liberals spewing hatred
@bi4smooth said in Twitter does NOT suspend liberals spewing hatred:
You couldn't be MORE wrong:
- Parler was not de-listed on Android's "store" at all, but Apple DID de-list them - but not for politics... when they were de-platformed, they became in violation of Apple's agreements.
Why do you insist on telling people they're wrong when a simple Google search will prove that you are either lying or woefully ignorant? Parler WAS pulled from Google Play Store -- see https://edition.cnn.com/2021/01/08/tech/parler-google-play-removed/index.html for the story.
RE: Twitter does NOT suspend liberals spewing hatred
@bi4smooth said in Twitter does NOT suspend liberals spewing hatred:
Twitter is a private company.
But, you have options:
- Choose another platform, or
- Start your own competing platform (clearly you think there is a market for it!), or
- build-a-bridge and get over it!
Actually, no. When Parler took off a few months ago, it was de-listed from both Apple and Google's app stores, and Google AWS banned Parler from using its back-end infrastructure. "Build your own platform" only works when the Leftists in charge of the AdTech ecosystem allow it. It's ridiculous and intellectually dishonest, given the Parler situation, to claim that private companies ought to compete when they're not allowed to access the infrastructure to compete in the first place.
RE: I'm having this issue whenever I browse the forum
Me too. I assume it's a cookie issue; my browser is heavily locked down to prohibit most cookies, scripts, and ads.