There's some irony (hypocracy?) in talking about being religious on a site for stealing gay porn.
I'm Orthodox Jewish and moderately observant. But the thing about traditional forms of Judaism is that we don't particularly care about personal convictions concerning untestable questions. I know Rabbis who are atheists. Even if you do believe, as Mayim Bialik said, "I can imagine a Creator and Sustainer of the Universe. I have trouble imagining one who takes attendance."
Coincidentally, one of the big issues for the Toronto Queer community is that Rev Brent Hawkes is retiring. He's been the leader of the local Metropolitan Community Church here in Toronto for the last 40 years. He pushed the most to have same-sex marriage recognized by the state performing what were the first legal same-sex marriages in modern times. (He performed the weddings that took years going through the courts before they were retroactively recognized.)