@blablarg18 said in Tucker back, higher ratings than ever:
What a stud
A Tucker fanboy, as well? Hysterical!
@blablarg18 said in Tucker back, higher ratings than ever:
What a stud
A Tucker fanboy, as well? Hysterical!
@blablarg18 You seem to be obsessed with pedophilia. No matter what the topic being discussed is, you relate it to pedophilia. I certainly know that I've never defended it, and in fact. it is the root of my disdain for the Catholic church. Some people might wonder why you seem to like to talk about pedos, so much. Some might even think you are projecting. Maybe this topic is unhealthily interesting to you. I'm not saying that, but it would make sense if some people did.
@raphjd Hope you have a good supply of carrots.
@raphjd This has nothing to do with liberal or conservative. Carlson, a self-confessed liar, paid 20 million a year to peddle conspiracy theories, is in a class all his own. He is the crooked televangelist of "nooz."
@blablarg18 Wow. This, and the god stuff, explains everything. Tucker bloody Carlson. Holy shit.
If you seriously cannot see through this asshole's scam, you are so far down the rabbit hole, there is no hope.
@blablarg18 Sorry. I don't understand babble.
@blablarg18 You need to find some new memes to support "your research."
@blablarg18 I assume most of the graded materials you read have pictures.
"...more intelligent children are more likely to grow up to be liberals than less intelligent children. For example, among the American sample, those who identify themselves as “very liberal” in early adulthood have a mean childhood IQ of 106.4, whereas those who identify themselves as “very conservative” in early adulthood have a mean childhood IQ of 94.8."
"Liberals do control the media, show business, and academia, among other institutions, because, apart from a few areas in life (such as business) where countervailing circumstances may prevail, liberals control all institutions. They control the institutions because liberals are on average more intelligent than conservatives and thus they are more likely to attain the highest status in any area of (evolutionarily novel) modern life."
No surprises here.
@blablarg18 said in Happy Pride!:
I wish you could hear yourself - how retarded you sound.
You can take anything 'Fox' and cram it up your crusty wrinkled vagina.
I am not going to bother responding to you anymore. You are vile and rude and your hatred is truly disturbing. You may think your playground insults win you arguments, but they don't. Childish insults are the last resort of someone who's lost the argument.
But I try to understand you because it's not your fault.
@raphjd Edited clips from Fox Nooz? You've got be joking.
I meant that anti-vaxxers were saying the vaccine wasn't necessary because herd immunity would kick in. Fauci and others were saying it MIGHT be achievable, but in the meantime, get vaccinated to protect yourself from serious infections. That's all.
@raphjd said in Happy Pride!:
The paper referenced is from Nov 2022. That's nearly 3 years for them to change their tune.
Changed their tune? I never heard Fauci or any other scientist say that the vaccine would definitely stop the spread of or prevent Covid, or any other kind of corona virus. In fact, they said the opposite because corona viruses are like influenza viruses; they can be mitigated not eliminated. I heard others say it, or claimed it had been said. I heard anti-vaxxers talk about "heard immunity" which also doesn't work and is why we have flu "seasons." I personally argued with people who were saying all kinds of crazy shit. But Fauci...no. If I'm wrong, just show me where he said it.
@raphjd Did you read it? It talks about what Fauci actually said as opposed to what others claimed he said.
I really have nothing more to say beyond that.
@raphjd No. I never saw any of those because they don't exist. Listen to what Fauci said, not what Hannity and Tucker said he said.
@raphjd I am not confused about different types of viruses and different immuno-responses. You are confusing what virologist were saying as opposed to what trolls, pundits and politicians on both sides were. I don't listen to the latter.
As I stated before, Americans seem to have decided to politicize everything. There are no rational people in charge, and there is no hope for meaningful progress until there are. I am very pessimistic.
@raphjd said in Happy Pride!:
Science shows (even long before covid) that vaccines never, ever prevent catching and spreading viruses.
Polio? Small pox? Mumps? There is a long list.
As for the rest of it, I know you think all liberals are the Devil's spawn whose sole purpose is to bring about Armageddon, so whatever.
@raphjd No. If you look at my original reply to you, I stated that they do not. I think they were hoping they would, but it didn't work out that way. There is a lot of evidence, however, that they boosted the body's ability to fight off the virus, and this seems to supported by the dramatic decrease in hospitalizations and deaths after people started getting vaccinated.
And it was never "a lie by the left." Even Fox News had vaccine mandates. It was early days and no one was certain about anything. It takes time for scientists to discover the truth, but everyone was prematurely jumping in and trying to gain political points from the situation. It was one of the biggest shit shows I'd ever witnessed....on both sides.
Don't get me wrong. Big Pharma has a lot to answer for. But medicine often works and we all live longer lives because of it.
@blablarg18 Citing an outlying anecdote of bad medical practice committed by one doctor is as fallacious as saying that because thousands of priests are pedophiles then all are. There are so many problems with your using this as an example of anything but criminal behavior, and in fact would support the concept that gender-identification is not related to biological sex at all. An individual who is cis male is not an example of one that is not. You do that see that, right?
You seriously need to hone your scientific method skills.