If women wanted a woman President, then there would be a woman president.
Also, if we didn't vote for 50% of Obama, we were racist. If we didn't vote for Hillary's vag, we were sexist.
Social engineering never works.
In the election between Richard Nixon and JFK, Nixon would have won if the mafia had not arranged to have dead people voting. Just a one state difference would have inserted Dick into the Oval Orifice. But then, when JFK put RFK in as Attorney General (massive nepotism), RFK proceeded to destroy the mafia. Then for some reason, both JFK and RFK got assassinated. Anyway… getting back on topic.. JFK would have won easily if he were not Catholic. But, even with that problem, he did get elected. Forget about Obama being black. I don't have a problem with black. However, it is inconceivable to me that a man with the name Barack Hussein Obama (aka Barry Soetoro) who was raised in Indonesia as a muslim until the age of 13 could ever become president.
The thing that terrifies me about Hillary is that it is obvious that a large number of people voted for her simply because they want their precious god given right to have a subsidized, guilt-free, no questions asked, abortion on demand, even up until the day of delivery. That is disgusting.
The moonbats try to stigmatize anybody that votes for a white man as being racist. That is ironic, because THEY are the one's being racist! People forget that the democrats are the party of the KKK during it's darkest days of lynchings, etc. Go find a native American Indian and ask them about President Andrew Jackson - who created the Democratic Party in 1828. Who created the Republican Party? Abraham Lincoln in 1854.