Another thing about the THUMBS system is that it doesn't identify who is clicking on UP or DOWN, it only shows who is applying a vote. There are exceptions to that in which I can tell who is voting down, but I'm not giving that secret up in open chat.
Oh, then let me share the "secret" so you don't burst an artery.
At the bottom of the Forum page:
…you will find the Gaytorrent.ru Forum - Info Center
For lovers of endless minutiae, it has several areas, including:
Users Online
…which provides data, such as:
35 Guests, 7 Users (1 Hidden)
Users active in past 15 minutes:
flozen, burple, Payer, drox, kawong, waspaint
(names mildly altered, except mine, even though it's public record)
The number of Users Active is generally under a dozen, and rarely are there more than 1 or 2 who specialize in the Politics and Debate Forum.
And thus, you can guess with some certainty which member gave you a thumb or other emoji, but there are some further contingencies.
First, obviously, you need to be online during the 15-minute period in question. Second, to know the "type" of mark received, you must have to know the exact number of each thumb/emoji you possess at any given time, thereby revealing the "plus one" just received.
Sad? Obsessive? Did I mention, sad? I'll let you be the judge of that. :blownose: