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Posts made by eobox91103
RE: Sex-Ed for 18-24 Group
And guys think that they have to have perfect bodies, huge cocks, and cum liters to be "normal."
The worst take-away from porn as an educational tool is that the models never talk to each other--they're being told what to do by a director. In real life, communication is what makes sex even greater.
RE: New Forum Software
Rolling out new software like this has to be a lot of work.
One feature of the previous layout was an option to show new responses to threads that I had posted one, which was very convenient. Is that available here? I haven't found it, but then I don't read "icon" very well. Thanks.
RE: Disabled account
Was it wrong of me to ask about this? Im just curious thats all.
I'm not part of the site staff, just a long-time member. I do know that the site operators have norms and rules that they need to follow to keep the site out of hot water, and not all of those practices are published.
For example, several years ago the site had a link to a log of actions taken, regarding both torrents and users. I found this helpful, because if I saw an old, dead torrent that was deleted, and it was something that I thought more people would like, I would upload a new one. This log was taken off the site, and when I asked (in the forum) why, the answer from a site administrator was that it was "for secret reasons." Needless to say, I don't know the secret.
The operators of this site have a tough job and put in a lot of work, most of which we don't see. Sometimes things happen on here that are hard to understand, but it's their site and they get to make the rules.
RE: Trump strips away LGBQ+ discrimination protections.
You, idiots, have re-elected Chuckles Schumer 6 times since his homophobic RFRA and you keep slurping his stink eye. Likewise, you keep voting for Biden and the rest who co-sponsored it.
You always want to have the last word, no matter how irrational it is:
I am not able to vote for or against Sen. Schumer. By the way, he was first elected in 1998, and re-elected three times since. Not six. Six and three are not the same. Or perhaps 6=3 is an "alternative fact?"
By calling me, or other people, idiots, you change the conversation from one about ideas to one of insults–the argument ad hominem, used only when all else fails. (It's a favourite of your Dear Leader, too.)
I'm sure you will defecate some response here, so loosen your sphincter and blast forth. I'm not going to read it. It is futile to attempt to have a reasoned discussion here. This topic–and pretty much everything else in the mis-named "Politics and Debate" board--is a complete waste of time.
RE: Trump strips away LGBQ+ discrimination protections.
50 years on, the Dems haven't given us a damned thing when it comes to job, home, banking, credit, right to life, etc, etc, etc, etc.
(1) The Republicans haven't given American gays anything except hatred.
(2) The "Equality Act," which would "amend the Civil Rights Act to prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity in employment, housing, public accommodations, public education, federal funding, credit, and the jury system" was passed by the US House in 2019. All Democrats voted in favor of the Act, along with eight Republicans. The remaining 173 Republicans voted against it. When sent to the Republican-controlled US Senate, it was referred to committee and died there.
(3) Many protections for gays in the US have been instituted at the state level, and almost exclusively by Democratic-controlled legislatures. This is in keeping with the 10th Amendment to the US Constitution, which clarified the concept of "federalism," leading to various concepts of "states' rights." It is a sad irony that "states' rights" has often been invoked by arch-conservatives who want individual states to preserve religious and/or racial discrimination.
RE: Grindr fails to remove ethnicity filter after pledge to do so
So to the topic at hand: What do you mean by "natural"? That it is not inherently bad? Sure no problem there.
Do you mean natural as in the dichotomy of nurture vs nature?
I think part of the problem in the discussion here is that the word "natural" isn't a good fit for the phenomenon of many (possibly most) people having a preference for "their own." This would suggest that it is "unnatural" for someone to prefer a person of a different background.
That would lead to awkward parallels, such as saying that people who are left-handed are "unnatural"–and closer to home, that men who are gay are "unnatural." I don't accept that conclusion.
RE: Sleep with a married man or sleep with a bicurious
And did she say anything when you were done? Didn't you feel uncomfortable?I hooked up a few times with a guy who loved to suck and get fucked. One time at his apartment I saw a photo of him and a girl together…I asked who she was, and he said it was his wife. That was a bit of a turn off. The next time I came over, the door to his closet in the bedroom was ajar. I didn't think anything of it, until I heard a very feminine sneeze: His wife was in there, watching us, and pleasuring herself at the same time.
That was the last time we hooked up.
We had just started when that happened. I zipped up and left without saying a word. It felt disgusting–not the married part, but the fact that he would set up someone to watch us without my knowledge.
RE: Supreme Hypocrisy
Do you mean like how you guys won't prosecute people for shitting and pissiing in the streets except when it's done in front of one of Pelosi's houses?
It is one thing to shit on a public street. It is another to shit on a nation's Constitution, and thus on all of its residents.
RE: 10 Reasons Trump is the most PRO GAY President ever. (Cuz you lie)
Discuss the topic!
My point exactly. All you do is call names like a little brat.
I'll stop reading your stuff. It takes too much toilet paper to clean up after.
RE: 10 Reasons Trump is the most PRO GAY President ever. (Cuz you lie)
You have no facts, whatsoever, just your opinions, all you do is pat each other on the back. It's a joke! Like your only list is: Trump's policy. WTF does that mean??? What SPECIFICALLY about his policy??? Get real dude. You have nothing, there's nothing to attack accept for the person posting NOTHING, thinking that they are actually posting something! Go back and read the list and tell me where yours is! You have NO LIST, that means you have NOTHING. You are a joke. We're listing facts, and you're saying: Russia collusion. You guys are so pathetic. There was a two year investigation that proved the only collusion was Hillary paying for fake stories from Russian agents. Hillary colluded with the Russians. That was the only fact. After two years. You are LOST.
"Trump harassed women." Ok, prove it!!! Some woman (a democrat) saying so isn't proof. People make wild claims against rich people all the time. You have to PROVE IT. Jesus Christ. Trump did this Trump did that. You never have proof! We do. That's the difference. You just make wild outrageous claims that no one believes anymore. You just believe it still because you have TDS.
You absolutely don't get it, do you? All you can do is make pathetic insults.
Wait…I hear something. It's the kindergarten bell. Better run off, or you'll be late.
RE: 10 Reasons Trump is the most PRO GAY President ever. (Cuz you lie)
The military also spends a lot on lobster and crab for their troops as a morale booster. Not all of that is active btw. A lot of it is retired men, and yes, being able to satisfy your wife is important. You just get on here saying Trump hates Trans because the military spends money on viagra, while totally ignoring all the facts - it's dangerous to the trans, they won't be welcome and will sue for discrimination - period - it will happen, and they'll quit after their free boob job. It's a joke. Your case is pathetic and ridiculous. Case DISMISSED as NONSENSE. There's a lot of military waste. That's been an issue way before Trump. Now you blame him for all the corrupt systems that have been set in place by his predecessors. Ridiculous - that's what you are.
You can't make an argument about facts…only by attacking other people. I don't like to respond in kind, but here goes:
Take your vomit elsewhere. Nobody wants it stinking up this forum.
RE: 10 Reasons Trump is the most PRO GAY President ever. (Cuz you lie)
It's one thing to allow gays in the military, it's another for others to join for free surgery at taxpayer expense, in addition to a multitude of other things like hormone therapy
The military and VA spend much more on Viagra than they do on gender reassignment. Military law in the US still criminalises fucking someone other than your spouse, but that doesn't stop them from giving blue pills to single guys or troops deployed thousands of kilometers from their wives.
RE: One-Sentence Dark Groaners
Those are fine additions, eobox. On my list, I usually put my favorite at the end – the one that's the most twisted, lol... :afr:
I trust I followed your rule.
RE: Leadership
It was clever political strategy: He's stopping 200,000 people from voting for Biden.
RE: One-Sentence Dark Groaners
My grandfather didn't see that well, which explains why he fell into it.
When I die, I want to go peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather…not screaming in horror like the people riding in his car.
Most accidents happen in the for heaven's sake, don't drive your car in the house.
My mechanic said I should use more lubrication, so I asked him to bend over the car so we could try it out.
RE: Gender reveal cause El Dorado CA wildfire
Ignorant, selfish people caused this wildfire without thinking about what could happen in an area well known for wildfires.
I totally agree. I lived for a while in California, and in most jurisdictions fireworks are prohibited–even for the July 4 Independence Day.
Unfortunately, this doesn't surprise me, as "gender reveal" parties seem very self-obsessed: Hey Karen, we know you're pregnant, and we're perfectly happy to wait until birth to find out the gender--that's some of the excitement of it. "Gender reveal" parties seem to be more about the pregnant couple than their baby, and that doesn't bode well for the kid's upbringing. (The gender revealed can also be wrong; one can do an ultrasound image of a male foetus and miss that little appendage that gives away the gender.)
But above all, let the record show that Brother Raphjd and I concur on this point. That doesn't happen very much...although I imagine that if we sat down over a beer we'd fine plenty in common.
RE: Should the Chinese government be to blame for the COVID-19?
The government of China should be held responsible to a degree because they lied about it.
In general I agree, but at a basic level it's people who lie, not large institutions. That said, people in an autocratic government who will tow the party line to preserve their jobs and, in dire cases, their lives. We saw this with Hitler, very likely with Xi, and definitely with Trump.
RE: Am I a horrible person?
Also, I misrepresented my beliefs, as I am a follower of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
You will be pleased to note that I included pastafarianism in a course of comparative religions I did several years ago. I may have even made some converts, although those were choices left up to the students.