is there any trick for it to not look fake af?
i've never seen successfully coloured beard (or hair for that matter), it always looks cringy.
i've been getting grays but they don't look good on me
is there any trick for it to not look fake af?
i've never seen successfully coloured beard (or hair for that matter), it always looks cringy.
i've been getting grays but they don't look good on me
each and every night.
tpbm always reads this topic's title as the person blew me
lol. lib tears never cease to flow
why would anyone wear a scarf in any muslim country if he is a visitor?
is melania a practising muslim? if not, why would she practise religious ritual of another religion?
are the muslim sheiks taking of their turbans and start crossing themselves when they visit usa?
she wore perfectly decent clothes conforming all the possible social conventions for an official visit. that is all.
i prefer everyone to like lean build like mine. thank you, thanks.
face. never cared about the dick alone. never understood size queens who reject even good looking guys only cause the dick is not the hugest in the universe
just top, tried bottoming and that's a big no from me. kudos to all the lovely bottoms out there :love:
if you're discriminating by the looks, lana looks like a well preserved 45yo coz shes already done so much plastic surgeries. lorde at least looks her age.
other than that, lana is fake all the way, made a career with daddy's money. lorde is a good musician. can't compare.
everything. does that count as 1 thing then?
i find this difficult to masturbate to.
i never had sex. i only make love!!!!!!11
no, for the same reason like deodorants and so. i like it natural on my man. so a basic lipbalm is yes.
ok, but i was wondering about the symptoms. did you have any kind of nuisance?
i like them just cause i know i'm gonna have sex in there hehe
other than that, i don't find the site alone fetching to be honest. i don't think that dirt, stink, violence have to be innate to "masculine". it's just reading in elements of patriarchal concept of masculine. i like men who are also peaceful, clean, sensitive etc. but i guess they are not "real men" according to that.
Last time I had sex I was 19, I'm 31 now, I'm just starting to have sex again.
why is that? :blink:
and why life or sex? why not both?
if sex distracts you so much, maybe you just use sex as an excuse to avoid your responsibilities?
i did that in one period, but i was aware of that. i just couldn't help the urge, and i was stuck in a life of obligations i didn't want to have anymore, so yeah… there goes my slut marathon. :-X
anyway, enjoy it while it lasts, u won't be able to have a choice whether to have sex of not forever
don't let your (ridiculous) fear of being ridiculed keep you from going where you think you should be.
if there really are some self-absorbed idiots in the gym who would even look at you cross for how ever you look, remember they are the idiots, not you.
i had that same fear throughout my middle and high school and started going to the gym pretty much late, and i'm so sorry for all the time i've lost just cause of my inability to confront my fears.
now i don't have that body i could've had if i had started in my formative years.
i think many of you telling the guy to avoid the gym are actually enabling his fear. you should confront it, and don't forget, you are soon going to look better and better, and your self-image will change also.
unfortunately, we are all aware that in the gay world, good body is almost a compulsory requirement.
not just for sex, even your social status depends on it.
so, just go with it, and never give up on self-improvement cause of a few mean glances from some nobodys.