- I like armpit's hair and trimmed pubic hair. :love:
- Hair on legs, arms and ass-hole are okay if not too much hairy.
- All the other hair is yuck to me.
Posts made by Cumsucking
RE: Smooth body or hairy body?
RE: What is your nationality and what ethnicity are you most attracted to?
I'm Croatian and I love latino twinks the most :cheesy2:
Is Being Gay a Choice?
- This is a video from famous spiritual teacher "Teal Swan" - for all open-minded people out there.
- I'm posting this for everyone who's confused about "is being gay right or wrong", "have we chosen to be gay before coming to planet Earth", etc… so you can try hearing her opinion and see what you think about it:
- If you're interested in learning more from Teal, you can try these links:
Teal's Website: https://tealswan.com/
Teal's YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheSpiritualCatalyst/videos
Morality vs. Conscience
- This is an article from famous spiritual teacher "Teal Swan" - for all open-minded people out there.
- I'm posting this for everyone who'd like knowing about Morality vs. Conscience, Right vs. Wrong, Good vs. Bad
- Teal always creates a video about some subject and an article about the same subject. Everything she says in her video, she also says in article - so it's up to you what feels better to you (to read or to watch a video):
The text below is from this link: https://tealswan.com/resources/articles/conscience-vs-morality/. You can also watch a video about it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YsoZpebQvs0.
Conscience vs. Morality:
Morality is about principles, fundamental truths or propositions that serve as the foundation for a system of belief, behavior or chain of reasoning. Morals are principals concerning the rightness and wrongness or goodness and badness of behavior. What is the problem with this? To start with Source or God never wrote a code of ethics and morals in the sky. You may believe a book contains these God given ethics and morals, but you cannot prove that God wrote them. You can only believe God wrote them. Or believe that whoever wrote them wrote them on behalf of God correctly. Or God forbid believe someone translated the original texts correctly. And the thing is, you can guarantee that even if you believe that a text on morality is the word of God, another group of people definitely does not. In fact they believe they have the word of God. This wouldn’t be a problem if both parties agree on what God said about morality. But guess what? They do not… what then? As much uncertainty as it creates to admit to it, the reality is that people do not agree on what is right or what is wrong. And God or Source does not have an opinion on the matter because what we call God or Source is a consciousness that exists in a state of non-judgment. But you can’t even prove that I am right about that can you… you can only believe that I am.
The concept of right and wrong is entirely subjective and it just so happens that sometimes multiple people agree. When they agree, they often collect into little groups and validate each other’s subjective viewpoint and become more convinced everyone else is wrong until suddenly they are at war and convinced it is perfectly morally right to be at war. Right versus wrong as it applies to morality is a very slippery slope. For example, many Christians believe it is wrong to kill. It is a tenant in their bible. And yet as we speak soldiers who call themselves Christian kill people in the Middle East and believe it to be morally right to do so. And so do we. We drive around with bumper stickers displaying our support of their efforts overseas. We also believe it is moral to support them. So which is it? Is it moral or immoral to kill? Is it moral or immoral to support those who kill? If so, when is it moral to kill and why? Just ask this question to a group of enough people and watch the fight over morality ensue. Why does this fight ensue? Because the minute we decide a code of conduct is moral, we believe it should be universal. We believe it should be a code of conduct that applies to everyone. In fact, we often assume it is the same for everyone and we’re shocked when we find this isn’t the case. This is one of the most shocking thing about traveling the world. The modern concept of morality is dependent upon geographical location. And guess what? Morals change over time. Just look at a brief overview of history. In Europe it was once considered to be immoral for men and women to have physical contact on the dance floor. They were expected to dance together from opposite sides of the room. In India, marriage between people of different Castes was seen as immoral. In America, it was immoral to say Blast or Wretch or even Gosh. So was educating women. At one point in history it was considered moral to burn widows with their deceased husbands. It was considered moral to stone people to death and to own slaves and the list goes on. Just take a look at history to see how much has changed about our view of morality. You can bet some of what we see as immoral today, will be seen as moral tomorrow and some of what we see as moral today will be seen as immoral tomorrow. Morals (which are completely subjective whether they are subjective to a person or subjective to a group of people) are based off of things like personally acquired values, cultural upbringing and religious affiliation. Some of these morals you may have consciously chosen to adhere to. But let me tell you, most of the morals you live by are not yours. Like scaffolding, they are the structure that you built your life upon within the society you live in and many of them do not serve you or society at all. These imprints are inherited. They are imposed on you. They need to be questioned. But questioning our morals makes us very uncomfortable. To do so, we must emotionally confront the consequences we fear we will face if we are wrong or bad.
Morals keep us from being condemned. Condemnation being of course the experience of being completely disapproved of, especially publicly. It is the ultimate form of shame. And it exists to help us avoid the consequences, especially punishments that may be accessory to that disapproval. Growing up in a moral household is an intensely painful experience, seeing as a child must go through the experience of condemnation at the hands of people who see condemnation as a way of loving their child. In this scenario, shame and love become synonymous and self-regulation becomes self-abuse. To understand more about this, watch my video on YouTube titled: How To Overcome Shame. We, who are negatively judged, grow up to negatively judge unless we intervene in that unconscious process within ourselves. Morals are dysfunctional because they close the mind and the heart down. If we hold too hard to an idea of right versus wrong or good versus bad, we shut our minds to seeing any alternative truth. We shut people with alternative truths out of our lives. Principals are rigid. They do not allow for the flexible flow one must develop in order to move through this life without creating suffering. Morals also destroy relationships as is evident in war. But even on a smaller scale, morality prevents us from really seeing our friends and partners and from understanding one another by standing in their shoes. As it applies to romantic relationships, nowhere is this morality issue more evident than in the argument over fidelity. To understand how this works, watch my video on YouTube titled: Fidelity and Infidelity in relationships. Conscience is an inner feeling or voice which is subjectively viewed as acting as a guide to the rightness or wrongness of one's own behavior. Yes. That’s right. Conscience is subjective too. But it is concerned with the self instead of others. In other words, it is more concerned with right or wrong for you specifically versus right or wrong in general. There is an intuitive feel to conscience where as Morality is guided by reason. Think of conscience like a guiding light. That light is obscured and bent by morals. Morals are like a filter that the conscience is fed through. By questioning your morals and learning to hold the ones you do have loosely; you remove the filter that is obscuring the light of your conscience. You can feel your own inner truth as well as objective truth surfacing. You become a highly guided person who acts according to your internal sense of yes or no but who does not impose that internal yes or no on others.
There is a reason that ethics (moral philosophy) is an entire branch of philosophy. There is no solid truth relative to right or wrong and so, it is wide open for investigation. And let me tell you, if you ever want to wander way out on a limb mentally and emotionally, and open your mind way up relative to right and wrong, just start snooping around for information made available from this branch of philosophy.
What do you think is right? What do you think is wrong? What do you think is good? What do you think is bad? Open your mind up to alternative views if you haven’t. Remain curious of alternative views and stay open to your own views relative to conscience changing as a result of that curiosity. You can continue to share your way and share how you feel relative to specific subjects without making other people ‘wrong’ and condemning them.
A person who has high morals does not just make others wrong, they run the risk of making themselves wrong and living a life riddled with shame and guilt because of it. Any time you live your life according to how you think things should be, and life brings you a scenario where your inner compass says yes, but your morals say no, you will be in a world of torment as a result of self-condemnation. If you are one of these people who knows that you have made yourself wrong according to your own moral standards, watch my video on YouTube titled: How To Let Go of Guilt.
I suggest that you lay down your moral judgments and instead make a practice of curiosity and conscience. It is the perfect antidote to the Ego’s morality trap. Any time you are confronted with a view or argument that triggers your morality buttons, consciously pretend you are an extraterrestrial with no prior ideas of right or wrong, good or bad. Try to take on their perspective entirely. Let it enter you as if genuinely considering it from their perspective with their background surrounded by their influences. Rigidity is a painful experience within the body. By doing this, you will feel yourself softening. Many times your own view will not change, but your condemnation of the other will. And morality will give way to conscience. You may just be able to find a meeting of minds.
Play this game with yourself as well, any time your internal compass says yes when your moral compass says no. Take on the perspective of the one who says no within you and then the one who says yes within you as if you are an extraterrestrial with no prior ideas of right and wrong and explore those two distinct perspectives and the values and needs and desires associated with each of them. Feel your self-condemnation melt away.
Question your morals and perhaps your conscience can shine through as a reflection of your true self because the correct way, the true way and the only way… does not exist.-
Feel free to say your opinions about this text.
If you're interested in learning more from Teal, you can try these links:
Teal's Website: https://tealswan.com/
Teal's YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheSpiritualCatalyst/videos
Religion vs. Spirituality
- This is an article and a video from famous spiritual teacher "Teal Swan" - for all open-minded people out there.
- I'm posting this for everyone who's confused about "Religion and Spirituality", about "is being gay right or wrong in the eyes of religion (God)", etc… so try reading this and watching a video and see what you think about it:
- The text below is from this link: https://tealswan.com/resources/articles/religion-vs-spirituality/
- And this is a link for a video in which Teal also speaks about "which religion is best for you": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EgnYv_HjiBA
Religion vs. Spirituality:
Religion is defined as a set of beliefs centered around spirituality that concern the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.
Spirituality is defined as practice and principles pertaining to the incorporeal or immaterial aspect of nature, the principle of conscious life, which acknowledges that a supernatural, incorporeal being is animating the body.
In short what these definitions point out is that religion, at its best, may be able to make a practice out of spirituality. But spirituality, which is the heart of religion, does not need religion to exist. What's more, religion may even get in the way of spirituality. We must acknowledge that for some, religion has been a much enjoyed system of security, faith and hope. But for many others, the inherent flaws of religion have caused them to turn their backs on spirituality entirely. You could say that their negative experiences with religion have caused them to "throw the baby out with the bathwater".
Though religion does not have to get in the way of spirituality, it often does. Spirituality, which is present within every religion, gets lost in the human imposed details. It is an essence, which is obscured by human rules, doctrine, penance and righteousness. The denominational nature of religion often serves to divide people when the very principal that is supposed to be at the heart of most religions is love.
In our world today it is easy to see that religion has often become more of a culture war between people than a means to find personal meaning, happiness and morality. Religion has also been used throughout history to justify all manner of atrocities, violence and oppression. Religion can be what brings us into contact with the spiritual nature of our universe. It can also be what causes many of us to look for that spiritual essence beyond the material in the first place. But it can also be what prevents us from finding it. Like a blind fold, the details involved with religious observance can prevent a person from asking questions and what's worse, prevent a person from the understanding that all spiritual answers come from within.
Sadly, when people commit to one religion, they tend to become devoted to the institution and lose the essence of what attracted them in the first place. When you look at each major religion in the world today, you find peace, love and compassion at the core of its doctrines. It is common logic therefore to say that to see as much fighting in the name of God as we do, something within religious practice has gone drastically wrong.
Spirituality and religion are the two fundamentals that one is required to follow simultaneously. However, spirituality can exist without religion but religion can not exist without spirituality. Spiritual practice focuses on the acknowledgement of spirit and higher knowing in every living thing. It is then easy to see how a person who is closed and confined to the righteousness of only one religion (adhering to the idea that there is only one true God and one true religion) cannot be truly spiritual. Spirituality is individual. It is beyond human imposed worldview. Religion however is an institutional practice of spirituality. It is composed of human beings, invented by human beings. It is influenced by cultural views, and at the mercy of the limited and even flawed perception of the human mind. It is at the mercy of human fear, human error and human prejudice. When permeated by human worldview, religion often becomes a tool to protect one's own self interest and way of life against others. It becomes a tool of exclusion instead of inclusion.
It has been said that spirituality can be compared to a succulent fruit. And religion can be compared to the peel of that fruit. While both spirituality and religion are parts of the fruit, many people get stuck in the peel of the fruit (religion) and never move on to the deeper truths and experiences inherent in the fruit (spirituality).
If we are conscious enough, religion does not have to restrict or get in the way of spirituality, because a truly spiritual person will seek out the spiritual nectar inherent in all religious philosophies. He or she can be seen as a collector of the nectar present in every religion. Like a bee who flies from one flower to the next in search of the nectar within, a truly spiritual person can entertain all religions long enough to extract the "divine" from the "less than divine" that is present therein.
The Quran states that all humans are born with the knowledge of God within themselves. The Bible states that the kingdom of heaven lies within you. The Bhagwat states that we can find salvation within, and the Buddha taught that enlightenment was found within. What these divine truths clearly demonstrate is that the spirituality that is at the heart of nearly every religion need not be found through the venue of religion. Instead, it is an inseparable part of us that is available to us however and whenever we choose to seek it.
Religion can be a map that sets us on course towards an inner quest to find the answers we seek. But it is important to acknowledge that if misinterpreted or incorrectly written, that map can lead us in the opposite direction from where we want to go. Conversely, if we are aware that the answers to our questions have resided deep inside us all along, (whether we begin our journey hand in hand with a specific religion or not) we can delve deep into our own individual faith, and spirituality. We can let our individual spirituality (rather than anything external of us) guide us like a north star towards all that we seek.-
Feel free to say your opinions about this text.
If you're interested in learning more from Teal, you can try these links:
Teal's Website: https://tealswan.com/
Teal's YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheSpiritualCatalyst/videos
RE: Meaning of 3 words
Thank you @kalayaan, I'll read it and hopefully finally understand it
Meaning of 3 words
My english is not very well for understanding certain words, that's why I'm asking you to explain me meanings of 3 words:
When I'm uploading my new torrents and choosing „Categories“, there are 3 words who's meaning I don't seem to understand… so could you please explain me what these 3 words mean:
- Hunks
- Jocks
- What's the difference between Twinks & Youngblood?
RE: [Edit this torrent] –-> You are not allowed to upload more pictures
You're right, there's a time limit - I just hoped there's another way of changing description - but since there's no way (except asking helpdesk all the time - which is exhausting), I'm going to suggest time limit to be disabled in "Suggestions & Site Feature Requests" place.
Thanks for answering!
RE: [Edit this torrent] –-> You are not allowed to upload more pictures
So… is it possible to change description in those torrents or not?
RE: Not allowed to upload more pictures
Why is nobody answering this, moderators?
RE: [Edit this torrent] –-> You are not allowed to upload more pictures
Ok, but I want to change my description, not adding pictures
[Edit this torrent] –-> You are not allowed to upload more pictures
- I have uploaded 7 torrents untill now; 2 of my torrents are 1 week old, others are added few days later.
- I have issue with those 2 (older) torrents –-> When I click on [Edit this torrent], I get a message: "You are not allowed to upload more pictures". But I'm not clicking on "[Edit this torrent]" to upload any more pictures, I'm actually clicking on it to change "Description" of my torrents!
- So, why is this happening and how can I change my description now?
*These are those 2 torrents I'm having issue with:
- Cum in mouth (HD QUALITY): https://www.gaytorrent.ru/details.php?id=fcec681351f5042c51070e5e353a3c83025d5ef6905ba421
- Hot Boys (18-25 yr old) Serviced by Dasslicker [all videos]: https://www.gaytorrent.ru/details.php?id=3d54101dc92ef4ee51070e5e353a3c835ea43e38efdac618
*These are other torrents I'm not having issue with:
- Cum in mouth (homemade collection): https://www.gaytorrent.ru/details.php?id=f5b12581031651d051070e5e353a3c835fb5725d2abd95ce
- Dirty Scout 70: https://www.gaytorrent.ru/details.php?id=c164eb325a7239ec51070e5e353a3c8308b5ae55c7624ad7
- Debt Dandy 179: https://www.gaytorrent.ru/details.php?id=c939165cd8c1998f51070e5e353a3c8352265e6a364b2822
- Mickey Ramirez and Sholden Ross (Bare Twinks): : https://www.gaytorrent.ru/details.php?id=6cda064d6a735f5c51070e5e353a3c83cb7216a903373e72
- Hope this all helps!
RE: I'm only be allowed one download at a time, it says, but I can't download at all
I wasn't looking at the date so I apologise but since I already wrote my post I believe it won't hurt anyone to read it (especially those who are beginners)
RE: I'm only be allowed one download at a time, it says, but I can't download at all
- Based on your ratio you can download 1 FREELEACH torrent every 24 hours. When you improve your ratio by uploading enough content (or donating) you'll be able to download much more files every 24 hours.
- And as @brianboru72 already said, when you upload your first file you can claim 600 SeedPoints for it. For each 600 SeedPoints that you redeem, it's like you already uploaded 10 GB of space (you can exchange these points on the fly into traffic, gaytorrent.ru take off the points and you receive the traffic).
RE: Files not seeding
I'm about 2 weeks here only so I don't know much about torrenting but I'm gonna say my opinion anyway so please correct me if I'm talking nonsense ;D
After your file is downloaded in your µTorrent (or whatever else you're using), I think you should delete that file from your µTorrent and then go to gaytorrent.ru to the place where you download your .torrent file in the first place and then you just click on Download button again and your .torrent file will be downloaded so you click on that .torrent file and when it opens in your µTorrent you find the original place where your downloaded file is placed on your computer and click OK.
This way µTorrent will check your file up to 100% and it will start seeding and then your ratio should start improving. I think your ratio can't improve unless you download .torrent file again, check it to 100% and then start seeding.
Also when your file stops seeding you can try force-rechecking it again and it might start seeding again if there are people downloading the file.
*OTHERS please confirm whether what I'm saying is valid or not and correct me if I said something wrong so that @pbrotha2007 can know what to think. Thanks!
RE: Display of the Uploader's name as an option
I'm not asking about it in this thread. I'm asking people to vote so I can see how many people would like to bring this option back (I'm curious).
RE: Upped by….
- I know that this option is disabled cause admin decided it's best for user safety but that's not what I was asking.
- What I want to know is how showing my nickname is going against my safety?
- This is first site on which I have ever seen that nickname is not being shown (cause it's "dangerous" for some reason) - so I'm really really curious and want to know how is that going against my safety? Why all the other sites are showing usernames and this one doesn't - what's the difference?
- If anyone knows the answer but don't wanna discuss it in forum, you can PM me and explain me aswell.
Display of the Uploader's name as an option
- Would you like display of the Uploaders name as an option?
- I think making this as option in "Profile settings" would be really great - that way everyone can decide whether to enable it or disable it!
So, please VOTE - tell us if you'd like it or not (you can also explain "why", if you want to)!
RE: Upped by….
You could reveal your nick name by a comment or by indicating it in the description, but I wouldn't do that, really.
Most user prefer to stay fully anonymous and even don't click the "Thank you" buttonYou just said you wouldn't reveal your nickname and I just can't seem to understand why revealing my nickname is "dangerous" in any way (it's not my real name so I just don't understand how is this any kind of a privacy problem)?
Could you please explain this to me cause I'd really really like to know all about it and to be able to make my username to be seen by everyone?