Most of the countries don't allow gay marriage. its rare to find countries that allowed. I wish all east Asian countries would allow it. hmm :cry2:
Posts made by calvingrey
RE: Countries where gay marriage isn't approved
RE: Race Preferences in Dating
I find Asians more attractive to me even if he is short or young or old or darker skin. It's not racism. it's just a preference.
RE: Gay and Muslim
You may WANT islam to be accepting of homosexuality, but being dishonest about it won't make it true.
I'm an "extreme atheist asshole" in your eyes because I know the truth and accept it, as is.
You are a crappy muslim when you think that "the perfect word of god" can be interpreted by man in any way they want to suit their needs/whims. Then again, you are a good muslim in that you are willing to lie about your religion to make it seem better to non-believers, as commanded in the quran.
God doesn't exist.
Don't want to argue about the existence of God with you. that's a different topic. The point here is prophet said as long as there is a new issue come to exist, you must solve it with intelligence and knowledge of the holy book. Quran is a words of God but its not meant for take it literally except are those mentioned clearly that Do's and Dont's.
You atheist people want to criticize the Quran by taking literal meaning.. That's just shows athiesm makes you evil. I am an open thinker. don't try to name calling me with any religion. Show u r above that.
RE: Gay and Muslim
Like the bible, the quran tells the story of Sodom and Gomorrah and the evilness of the men's homosexuality. The quran calls it an abomination.
The Zina verse talks about illicit sex, including gay sex. Both "the doer and the done" are to be punished.
In the hadiths and anthars, there's plenty of anti-gay stuff. There's one example though, where you can be a fag, but you can not do fag things, including looking at other men in a faggy way.
People love to cherry pick the bits they like out of their religion and deny the rest exists.
I just wanted scholars to reinterpret it. dont be an extremist atheist asshole. I am not Islamist. a lot of gays r Muslim because they believe in God and that gives them internal peace. I want a solution by merging the sexuality and Islam. where is the real problem to merge it? does it harm the god's earth? remember God does not need a religion. He gave the religion to build a civilized and ruled society. because you know without law there is a anarchy. find a solution. Quran has not been finished interpretation. It can be interpreted as long as the human lives.
RE: Is Being Gay a Choice?
being Gay depends on many things. A person's manhood, mentality, people he's influenced with and sometimes the extent of pleasure, the media and so on.
RE: Gay and Muslim
Quran does not say anything specifically about gay. there was no mention of any sort of punishments for gay people. So I think there is still a way to interpret it. Being gay or straight should be a person's right. Islam always upheld justice and free of tyranny. Remember, Islam gave the dignity to women when the women were compared to lower than an animal as well as the slaves were given dignity too.. this topic needs more research.
RE: Who was the first to know about your sexuality?
A female friend. At first I told her as a joke to see her reaction. But found out she is cool. she rather enjoyed listening to my gay life when I came out to her. ;D ;D
RE: How can I have polygamous relationship ?
You sound like me. I could have poly relationship. I feel in this gay world most have open relationships, i think if more would try to experience poly there would be less random hookups and more love
Right. instead of hooking up randomly we could built a community with more love. this way jealousy would reduce too. and not to mention about the sexual part. that would be great as well. :cheers: :love:
RE: Guys with long hair: Hot or Not?
long hair dudes with no facial hair are hot and cute. like sexy babe.
Bearded or shaved . which one's bottoms preferred…
I am always in a conflict with myself when it comes to a facial hair. whether I shave it all or keep it at a small-moderate amount. I am a vers top. So usually I'm into bottom guys. I am 26 years old, middle east build and look. Does bottom guys prefer a bearded tops or shaved ones. Any bottoms out there can enlighten me ?? or anyone with experience…
RE: Best technique for getting a hairless hole
nad's for man hair removal cream .. easy, comfortable, affordable, long lasting (in my case)
RE: How can I have polygamous relationship ?
i will just friendzone them I guess. Since there is no way to make it happen. Thanks guys.
How can I have polygamous relationship ?
I have this issue about the relationship. I care about everyone. Anyone I meet or hookup I care about them. I can not ignore one and love other. There is someone wants to have a relationship with me but I said I like to be with others as well. He said I can only be with him. most of the guys out there is like this. they into a monogamous relationship. But I care about all of them I met. what should I do? How can I convince him to accept others in our life.
RE: Handsom and little dick or ugly and big dick?
Handsome and small dick is just what I like
RE: HELP on Video Cutter/ splitter
Thanks again, TMPGE looks good to me. I will look forward to work with it. Basic editing will do for me.
RE: HELP on Video Cutter/ splitter
thank you for your reply.. i was looking for video trimmer. i wanted to remove the unwanted scene from the big movie and keep the scenes I prefer only. So that could help me to save some disk space. well I found some Softwares though but not so good enough. Those are bit slow and incapable of working on all formats. Thank you :love:
HELP on Video Cutter/ splitter
Hi all, Anyone knows any video cutter or joiner that capable of doing the job for very big sized and high-quality videos without loosing the quality. AVI, MP4 or MKV formats videos. Thanks.
RE: Need help to reduce body hair growth
Thanks for the explanation.. By the way I have seen an advertisement of some hair removal waxing that claims they can help to totally removal of hair for 2-3 years after several session repeatedly. So after those sessions I don't have to worry about body hair for some years.. Don't know how much truth is that. or what are their success rate though.. i will just head up to them and see what that is.. :love:
Rubbish , I would be very sceptical , especially with claims , if you're going to investigate then do it the way us doctors or scientists do it.
ask them how they support these claims and then ask to see the peer rated evidence based research and published findings , i bet you'll be waiting a long time for the info.yeah.. it's suspicious.. thank you bro.. you lightened me .. definitely I don't have much idea.. thanks.. :love:
RE: Need help to reduce body hair growth
Nothing removes hair permanently. Even laser MAY have permanent results but that still varies from person to person. The usual result of laser is thinning of the hair in the area.
Isn't there any lotion, oil or supplements. Since there are lot of things for hair growth and such.. Can we find the laser shaver in the market I mean the departmental stores. Any clue where to find them.. Thanks for reply
if you want to throw away your money go right ahead , but there is no clinically tested or evidence based research to say those types of potions and lotions work , Laser is gonna be the closest you can get and only if they use a Class 4 medical grade laser and not a EPL ( electronic pulse light) , personally IMO i wouldn't have a clue why you would want to look like a prepubescent boy , and no you wouldn't find an EPL machine in a store or a Class 4 medical grade laser those machines ( proper ones ) can cost up to a 400-700K AUS
with Lasers only fair haired people have no success rates in hair loss that is permanent
temporary loss almost always occurs for every race , but for long term hair removal, the colour is a significant factor. Black or brown indicates a high concentration of melanin in the follicle and is ideal for treatment. Blonde and red shades are treated less successfully, while white and grey remains unaffected.
the reason is pure science , the principle of lasers is based on light absorption. In the same way that a black car will become hotter than a white car, because it is absorbing more of the sun’s rays, darker hair( melanin rich) will absorb certain wavelengths more effectively than lighter (white, blonde, grey). This process is called photothermolysis. In Laser Hair Removal, the laser energy is absorbed by the pigment (melanin) and transmitted down the shaft, disrupting the growth mechanism when it reaches the root. The light energy is transformed to heat energy and the follicle is heated to a critical temperature at which point it is cauterised. The laser disrupts hairs that are principally in the active growth (anagen) phase at the time of treatment. The laser is pulsed, or switched on, for a fraction of a second. The length of each pulse is just long enough for the follicle to be disrupted.Thanks for the explanation.. By the way I have seen an advertisement of some hair removal waxing that claims they can help to totally removal of hair for 2-3 years after several session repeatedly. So after those sessions I don't have to worry about body hair for some years.. Don't know how much truth is that. or what are their success rate though.. i will just head up to them and see what that is.. :love: