Like the bible, the quran tells the story of Sodom and Gomorrah and the evilness of the men's homosexuality. The quran calls it an abomination.
The Zina verse talks about illicit sex, including gay sex. Both "the doer and the done" are to be punished.
In the hadiths and anthars, there's plenty of anti-gay stuff. There's one example though, where you can be a fag, but you can not do fag things, including looking at other men in a faggy way.
People love to cherry pick the bits they like out of their religion and deny the rest exists.
I just wanted scholars to reinterpret it. dont be an extremist atheist asshole. I am not Islamist. a lot of gays r Muslim because they believe in God and that gives them internal peace. I want a solution by merging the sexuality and Islam. where is the real problem to merge it? does it harm the god's earth? remember God does not need a religion. He gave the religion to build a civilized and ruled society. because you know without law there is a anarchy. find a solution. Quran has not been finished interpretation. It can be interpreted as long as the human lives.