First - President Trump is ahead:
HOWEVER - I'd write same if he weren't.
Most USA polls oversample Dems - on purpose.
They did it in 2016, 2020 & today.
They do it, to provide cover or "plausible deniability" for Dem cheat.
In 2016, Dems knew they were behind & cheated - but not enough.
In 2020, Dems knew they were behind & pulled out all stops - Millions of unlawful votes, possibly tens.
Today - Story being written.
All those Dem false "We're ahead!!!!!" polls provide cover.
Pollsters still publish "internals" - data details - which always show big swings to Trump, bad for Dems.
Pollsters get to "headline" result - Dems ahead - by over-weighting Dems in their final, headline calculation.
Except of course, if Dems will cheat huge - if their cheating must be factored - then, is it over-weighting? or realism? You decide.