This is a question for experienced users:
I really struggle with trying to re-seed torrents (and I download a LOT of torrents in some categories or older files that could really benefit from re-seeding). My main problem is that I integrate the torrent into my existing folder structure, so I'll rename the folders / files, delete the torrent file itself, move from my downloads folder into the rest of my hard drive, etc.
How would you 're-seed' these items? Thanks for your help!!
You're first big mistake is renaming folders. You should NEVER rename anything, especially if you expect that you'll be reseeding. You're client will be looking for files with the the exact original name. You never change folders structures either. This is why a HASH is created in the first place. The other thing is, you shouldn't rename simply because if you want to upload something, checking for dups can now be tricky as you may not remember the original name.
You'd have no other choice but to re-upload the file from scratch. Not all clients reveal original names & folders it's looking for.