That's a lot you've shared there, Ellis. Thank you for giving a deeper insight into your circumstance and how things have been going so far.
As gaypraha2 said- your life has been great, and many people don't even have that.
It's good to recognize how lucky you've been- to have not one but (if I understand it right) at least 2 significant long term relationships that have lasted longer than some marriages I know of. I would suggest you take comfort and solace in that knowledge for the inevitable sorrows that lie ahead. Inevitable because that's how life goes- if you follow a story long enough, there can only be the painful partings that come with the end of a lifetime. We all will have to come to terms with that, each in our own way.
I just watched Lars and the Real Girl- thanks to you- since I never heard of it and never would have even looked for it if not for your posts about it here. The story moved me because it ultimately spoke about letting go of certain things- fear of loss for one- and the good thing that comes with facing your fears is that you grow as a person- and in the end, that's what life is really about.
Honestly, I envy what you've got-my longest relationship to date lasted 7 years, and then we parted as friends but the pain of loss is still there. I find this part of my journey, solitary as it is, rewarding in its own way. I will definitely try again in the future- and even if marriage isn't possible in my country- I want something that will last a lifetime.
In closing- as it says in the quote at the bottom of this page- life is short- tell everyone you love how you feel, while they are still there to hear it. And even if life is scary- don't let it stop you from living. Cheers! ♥