Hello! I was wondering if anyone had an invite they could send to OURGTN?

Posts made by Zachman
RE: Do you have gay relatives in your family?
I have two lesbian aunts and one bisexual aunt all on the same side of my family. So the gay is definitely carried hard on that side of the family haha
RE: Guys with long hair: Hot or Not?
I think it depends on the person. Some people look really good with long hair and other people look quite the opposite. But I think that can be said for many things. Facial hair, body hair, etc.
RE: Beauty and The Beast movie will have a gay moment
I am so happy that we are starting to live in a world where gay people are shown more in the media. I was always a fan of Beauty and the Beast growing up so I am very excited that they included a gay character in this remake.
RE: What song are you currently listening to?
I've been oddly obsessed with Larger Than Life by the Backstreet Boys lately
RE: Carrie Fisher dead @ 60
May she rest in peace, and May the Force always be with her.
RE: Is sex that much tiring?
I'm no porn star, but I know whenever I have sex I tend to get pretty tired.
Anytime I top my energy depletes almost instantly which Is why I am not a huge fan of topping.
RE: How much porn do you have on your external hard drive? And does…
Currently I have over 600 gb, and it is the exact reason I bought an external hard drive.
RE: Random facts about yourself
I've almost drown twice, and almost nobody believes me when I tell them about the second time.
RE: What game genre you like?
I love a variety of games; Action, Adventure, Horror, Fantasy, Open World.
I love the Resident Evil games, Kingdom Hearts, Grand theft Auto, The Sims, Fallout. I never really got into online gaming, other than City of Heroes, because I am not very competitive and most other people who play online tend to be.