Final Fantasy XV

Posts made by SuitAndTieX
RE: Olá a todos os brasileiros
Olá pessoal
Estou aqui no site a muito tempo mas só recentemente comecei a usar o forum. Sou do interior de São Paulo. Se precisarem de dicas ou ajuda em algo, só mandar pm
RE: Which Player do you use or how to convert files ?
I use MPC-BE (Media Player Classic - Black Edition) is the same as MPC-HC, but its appearance is black. I think by his color, he's more discreet when playing a video.
RE: How do you organize your files and allow torrent softwares to upload them?
hey Arma Rayo!!!
can i know how to make the older like yours.. your collection looks nice and organized.. with the studio name as the folder logo its easier to navigate.. teach me how to to my olders like yours!!
It's easy to make custom folders, but it's tedious. You need to have a basic knowledge in Photoshop to do. Try to do this:
- Enter the studios' websites, right click on the logo to open the image in a new tab and save the logo images of the studios you have.
- Follow this tutorial: and save the image as .png after you edit
- Go to some website that converts .png to .ico and save the .ico files to a folder that you will never move from place to place. I usually create an "Icons" folder in the "Windows" folder and put the icons there.
- After saving the .ico in the folder for them, you go in the folder of the studios, properties, customize and choose the icon that you just made.
And it's ready!
I have these icons to share and I can do some other you want, send me a message with the name of the studios that you want the folder that I upload the .png and I send you. Then you just convert it to .ico, save it to the folder that you can not move and finally change the folders icon.
RE: How do you organize your files and allow torrent softwares to upload them?
I have the folders of the studios that I use to download already created:
When I finish a download, I rename the file following the pattern "Scene Name - Actors" and move them to the corresponding studio folder, it looks like this:
After moving the file, I go back to Utorrent and relocate the file to continue seeding. The procedure to do this is in this tutorial:
Hope this can help you
RE: How do you manage your porn movies
I separate my videos by studio. I create a folder for each studio that I have scenes and I created a special icon for each folder.
My movie folder is like this:
Within each folder, I name the videos with "Scene Name - Actors", like this:
If I want to see a scene with a particular actor, just search for his name in the folder search field and all the videos of that actor appeared in the list.
My method of organization is simple, to make it easy to find what I want to watch.
I envy your collection… :blownose:
This is only a small part of the "Men" folder, there are many more videos in this folder and many others in the other studio folders.
60% of the content of this folder is in my torrent:
RE: How do you manage your porn movies
I separate my videos by studio. I create a folder for each studio that I have scenes and I created a special icon for each folder.
My movie folder is like this:
Within each folder, I name the videos with "Scene Name - Actors", like this:
If I want to see a scene with a particular actor, just search for his name in the folder search field and all the videos of that actor appeared in the list.
My method of organization is simple, to make it easy to find what I want to watch.
How do you organize your videos after completing the download?
I do not know if this is the place to post about this, if it is not, I would like a moderator to move to the correct place.
I am a very organized person, and thinking about organizing my videos, I created icons to personalize the folders and separate them by studios. I do as follows:
I already have the folders of each studio that I usually download videos, so after downloading a new scene, I rename the file to have a default between the others (Scene Name - Actor Name) and move the file to the new folder . And finally, reallocate the file in Utorrent to continue seed.
These are the icons I created for folders:
Now that you've seen how I organize mine, I'd like to know how you guys do to organize yours. And if you want the icons that I created, I can share them with you and create new ones of studios that I have not created yet, you just tell me what new ones you want, and I do