Interesting, Frederick. Care to expound? What information have you found? Care to put together a coherent argument?
SURE! I never decline a request to expound upon my comments.
I said:
1. "Apparently you didn't get the memo about the Supreme Court.. and the future of the Supreme Court.
2. By the way, gerrymandering is a tactic INVENTED by democrats but later used by Republicans.
3. Democraps often do things which backfire.. such as idiot Harry Reid jamming that Senate 51 vote rule into law.. instead of the 60 vote rule. Harry never anticipated that the Republicans would have the Senate Majority."
1. The current 9 justices are:
  Current Members
"Conservative" John G. Roberts, Jr. 62
"Conservative" Clarence Thomas 69
"Conservative" Neil M. Gorsuch  50
"Conservative" Samuel A. Alito, Jr., 67
"Conservative"Â Â Anthony M. Kennedy 81Â due to retire NOW - quasi liberal
"Liberal"Â Â Â Â Â Â Ruth Bader Ginsburg 84Â Senile, due to die or retire now
"Liberal"      Stephen G. Breyer, 79 due to retire soon
"Liberal"Â Â Â Â Â Sonia Sotomayor 63
"Liberal"     Elena Kagan 57
Currently 5 of the 9 justices are conservative.. actually more like 4.8 out of 9 since Kennedy is not very conservative.
Within Trump's first term, Kennedy, Ginsburg, and Breyer will be replaced at a minimum.. making it 7 out of 9 conservative justices.
Goodbye Roe vs Wade!
Assuming Trump wins a 2nd term.. that would make the Supreme Court conservative for a long long time.
2. This one is tricky.. because the Gerrymandering was invented by the democrat leaning "Democratic Republican Party" of Madison & Jefferson in opposition to the Washington & Hamilton ideology which leaned Republican. But.. both parties have their fingers in this one, so I would say both are equally to blame.  It is a disgusting practice.. which only exists in the USA. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democratic-Republican_Party
3. The "Nuclear Option"…  http://www.politico.com/story/2013/11/harry-reid-nuclear-option-100199
I would like to add one more thing.. If Hillary Clinton had won the 2016 election.. the USA would now be on the Highway to Hell.  I have no doubt that the moonbats will eventually destroy the USA, but hopefully they won't be able to do it within my lifetime. If Hillary won, they would have.
That's what I call a detailed answer!