@raphjd Yes, picking extreme examples and assigning them to “liberals” is transparently part of the new conservative project to tear down education; part of the defining conservative project to deny, hide from and discredit facts and fact based theories that falsify their stagnant, simplistic, nostalgic and usually hate filled ideologies.
There are a lot of things that teachers SHOULD be teaching their students: e.g. the theory of evolution, climate change, diversity of gender and sexuality, the fallacy of trickle-down economics, the safety and effectiveness of vaccines and not least (in English speaking countries), English grammar.
For example that:
“The customer called. They said that they’re coming in this afternoon to pick up their order. Please thank them for their patience.”
Is normal and correct English grammar and that we use the pronouns “they/their/them” for a single person ALL THE TIME.
Conservative parent: “I’m not going to call THESE gender binary people they/their/them. That’s not correct grammar for a single person!”
Son: “But mommy, we do it all the time. (Quotes example)”.
Conservative parent: “But but but… that’s only when we don’t know what gender they are, not when they don’t know what gender they are!”
Son: “Ooooooh kaaaaaaay.”
Also, they should be taught some critical thinking:
Conservative mother: “I agree with that Harry Potter woman. Trans women aren’t really women because they’ve never experienced menstruation!”
Daughter: “But don’t 1 in 3000 cis gender women never menstruate?”
Conservative mother: “but but but but but but but but but but…”.