So you're triggered by condoms because of an allergy to latex?
Whoopsie. "Triggered" sounds way more serious than me basically just venting. Really it just seems very careless to attach the incorrect label to a torrent but in my addled mind it also appears willful at times. If it was just the occasional slip up, hey no biggie but when it gets to the point that I speak up…if my ridiculous claims of a reaction upon sight of latex or worse if my dramatization of a clearly "first world problem" has come across in any other way than just internet bitching I am sorry.
I have 2 polyurethane condoms that I would likely presume useless because I got them in 2010. When it comes to play time I like to stick with my fellow plague carriers, it's just easier. Last summer a negative slipped through all the filters and made it to the stage where he requested a condom. Instead of searching those 2 out I just didn't ease off what I was doing so he could get off & get out. Just to go even further off topic he later inquired about dropping by again and I agreed to another rendezvous while casually mentioning also displaying a picture of a femidom saying I would have it in place. All the time I did use condoms I never had a reaction, it was only while wearing latex gloves that I was diagnosed as being allergic to latex. He had a nice piece so I wouldn't mind putting a barrier in place and was curious about the product. Figured it would be a good further test of this latex allergy. I presume it caused some sort of allergic reaction on him though as I never heard from him again.
I will put the talking stick down now and perhaps back a way from the internet for an undetermined amount of time.