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Posts made by Rubber0
Have you ever been threatened for your sexuality?
Что не так с системой рейтингов.
Я понимаю, что это не то место, куда бы писать об этом, но это всего лишь ИМХО, так что.
Пришло в голову вот что: если гипотетический юзер интересуется какой-то узкой категорией материалов, которые никто больше и не скачивает и, соответственно, поднять рейтинг на раздаче просто нереально. Что ж ему делать?
Даже на рутрекере в свои лучшие годы (тоже с рейтингом) было проще. -
RE: What are your favorite places to go?
The movies.
I can easily watch three movies back to back in the theater. I also love going to museums. In the autumn, hello autumnal equinox, I love good restaurants.
Oh, do you go to cinema just "to go", the film doesn't matter or something certain?
Who was the first to know about your sexuality?
Coming out is a very difficult choice so I'd want to know, who was the first to know about your sexuality (excluding your partner).
Sincere answers, please ::) -
RE: How you guys find your partner?
I gave it up long time ago. In my post-soviet homophobic society it seems to be almost impossible.
RE: Meghan Trainor anger over anti-gay marriage ad
Well, that's nice of her to consider it. But actually Megan Trainor is just a regular popstar. It's shouldn't be a surprise to her that the picture was illegally used in any kind of advertisements.
RE: New Whitney Houston Documentary Reveals Whitney's Secret Gay Past
So we must read it. But it can be just a click bate title I think.
RE: Do you wish you were attractive?
I think it's human to be a lookist. So it's normal to care about the appearance.
I don't want to change the way I look and I would change only some features. -
Где вы любите зависать?
Обожаю бары и ничего с этим не поделаю. Ну а вы где тусить любите? Простой вопрос.
Why every person I get on well with turns to be bisexual?
I am bisexual and that thing is kinda weird.
How to deal with day-to-day boredom?
Hobbies, activities, even getting drunk doesn't work.
Any ideas? -
RE: Any Russian one speaks English or Arabic ?
Actually, it isn't necessary to understand the words I think.
RE: Помогите поднять рейтинг
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