Polo, :dick: Tommy Hill :cum: & Kenneth Cole :masbana:
Posts made by rezurrected
RE: Which brand of underwear do you use and why?
RE: Is the Confederate Flag a Symbol of Racism or History?
It's a flag that represented the confederate states during the civil war. Call it what you will but I would say simply it's part of History. What it stood for is up for debate but many of the ideals it represented was associated with enslaving a group of individuals for the profit of rich white men.
There are many that find this flag very offensive. I'm sure your friend Jeff Sessions finds the confederate flag a beautiful symbol considering he is from the most treasonous of all states, South Carolina!!!
RE: I used QTM to to upload a torrent, but it didn't automaticly appear in utorrent
Try these suggestions regarding QTM: Quick Torrent Maker V1.12 - The fastest and easiest way to upload! It is fully automated.
Read the QTM Tutorial hereIf you have problems on upgrading, try 'Programs->QuickTorrentMaker->uninstall' first
Known Bugs:
Help on any known bugs can be found here04/26/2015: Quick Torrent Maker V1.12 released.
subcategory selection added, minimize bug "fixed"12/22/2014: Quick Torrent Maker V1.11 released.
login bug fixed + compatible for new site10/10/2013: Quick Torrent Maker V1.10 released.
minor fix08/28/2013: Quick Torrent Maker V1.9 released.
better UTF-8 support added (still not fully implemented - eg. japanese chars will not work)08/19/2013: Finally we can announce Version 1.8 of Quick Torrent Maker
It comes with long awaited bugfixes:
Fully compatible with uTorrent V1.X - V3.X
Login works now correctly or gives you the correct error messages why not
Compatible with WinXP/Win7+
HTTPS (SSL) support added and forced
The installer is improved and ask for admin rights during install/uninstall if needed.
QTM does not need administrative rights to run anymore because it writes it temporary data into the %APPDATA% folder
Torrent's greater than 2GB are possible now. It was tested successfully with files about 20GB/each!!
Works now also with collections of files with unlimited (have fun testing) sizeIf you experience any problems not described here, you find more in our Forums or you could contact us at the Helpdesk. But don't forget to mention which OS Version you use… windows xp, win7 etc.
Download QuickTorrentMaker V1.12
Try unistalling QTM from your PC and reinstall if the above steps didn't resolve the issue.
RE: NOLA Mayor: Death Threats Won’t Stop Us From Taking Down Confederate Monuments
To the victors goes the spoils. Sharing an opinion about Davis's treasonous behavior has nothing to do with the treasonous acts of Ben Franklin, Washington, Thomas Jefferson, etc., against the King. It's well known if the American revolution had failed all the above mentioned gentlemen would have been hung for treason.
RE: Has anyone who wronged you, if they did, face any sort of karmic justice?
Yes. $30,000.00 :police:
RE: #45 Has Fired FBI Director James Comey
Well played sir jackny. Jeff Sessions' is a bigot, racist, treasonous traitor
RE: NOLA Mayor: Death Threats Won’t Stop Us From Taking Down Confederate Monuments
Don't follow leaders; watch the parking meters :xpl:
RE: What's your favourite Chocolate?
:cool2: Reese's Cups :cheers: better than the best Swiss or Belgium chocolate. Made fresh for you in Hershey, PA :clap2:
RE: NOLA Mayor: Death Threats Won’t Stop Us From Taking Down Confederate Monuments
Please remember that J. Davis was the president of a faction of treasonous rebels who were on the losing side of a horrific :afraid2: civil war. IMO, honoring him with a monument/statue in NOLA is just a reminder of the bigotry and racism with which he stood for.
Move his statue to his home town or whatever. Get it out of my Big Easy :police:
:twg: :blondmom: :ban:not your best effort
RE: How old were you when you got married?
:hug: I married my wife on July 10th, 1994. I was 38 soon to be 39. Yes, I'm still married to the same women. :love:
RE: Hello
So glad to be part of this community!
I'm so happy to see that you're trying to raise your share ratio above the minimum. Keep up the good work :welco:
RE: Not allowed to upload more pictures
Mr. Mazada explained the reason what causes this particular dilemma you're experiencing. In addition, some members in the past would upload a torrent and include only one or two pics so they could go back to that torrent and add more pics to get the pic bonus points.
This particular behavior created the pic lock out program. My advice is to add all your pics for that torrent as soon as you upload future torrents
RE: Four catholic women
Good one. Having four aunts that were
catholic nuns. My grandfather and father were Roman Catholic. Having a very Catholic wife and a golden boy son that i fathered she may find it funny. :cheers:
RE: Watching porn… is it cheating?
watching porn is definitely not cheating but if you have a wife and like to watch gay porn then it could be… what do you think guys?
I have a wife who caught :police: me watching shemale and gay :fap: porn. According to her I'm gay now. I like semi-anon anal :hump: sex with gay dudes but I'm not emotionally attracted to dudes. :twg:I don't kiss or look at them when I'm fucking them.
RE: Which City/Country are you guys from?
The City and County of San Francisco. I grew up in Fort Shawnee, Ohio and moved to Cali when I was 15
RE: What is your nationality and what ethnicity are you most attracted to?
I'm half English, half German and 100% all American. I enjoy to fuck Japanese and Chinese guys. I'm very attracted to Japanese guys with pale white skin :cum:
RE: From Russia With Love
:bravo: Every time you write a reply to a reply you make yourself appear more ignorant
than the previous reply. IMO!!! These are the countries Russia has invaded in the last twenty years smart guy: Ukraine, Georgia, Afghanistan, Moldova
and Chechnya. :google: War Mongers
RE: From Russia With Love
:afraid2: STALIN APOCALYPSE :crazy2:
You're war mongers. You contribute to the misery in Syria and in and around your borders :bithfight:
Insex your hypocrisy and bullshit knows no bounds, like your lack of knowledge.@rawr:
As for me problem is very clear, it's only my opinion from the side, but open borders with South America is really destructing US people, There are a lot drugs from Mexico and сountries below, causes standart rule of capitalism "supply and demand". So the Wall, really save your nation. Maybe Trump too concentrate on the border, but definetely it makes sense, cause i've never heard before that illegal immigrants, can vote for the POTUS, it was also shock for me. How it really could happen, and why no one seems don't care about Person ID's, when voting, for such important things.
We don't have "open borders" that's a political/media lie. I definitely think we need better border security on the southern border (and the vast majority of Americans agree) but a physical wall is incredibly cost ineffective. I have no idea where the majority of drugs entering the US come from, but I do know that there are many, many other sources than the Mexican border. Even if the wall could effectively stop the flow of drugs from Mexico (it won't) that does absolutely nothing to stop the flow in other regions. Even, in regions of the southern border where there are walls, the drug cartels tunnel underneath it, or smuggle the drugs in cars/trucks and go right through the border crossing.
Some members of the TSA (Airport Security Police Force) were recently caught smuggling massive amounts of cocaine. Walls don't stop airplanes and it's nothing new.