MSNBC (!) focus group couldn't gaf about J6.
video -
President Trump did right things, around J6. Several calls for peace & law.
Problem came when police "fired first" into crowds - not shown in media, but shown in people's smartphones.
At least 200 Fed assets were in crowd.
At least one Fed asset, shouted at crowd to break law. They thought he was weird, backed away.
Finally, police outside had to "fire first" while police inside nicely ushered some protestors into Capitol.
Libs needed to edit & suppress all that....... ie. lie.
Lib Twitter 1.0, hid Trump's tweets calling for peace & law.
Lib J6 committee hid its own evidence...... Destroyed video & transcripts it had gathered...... ie. lied.
And after alllllllll that........ or maybe because of all that........
Normal people truly don't gaf.