Does anyone know how to download files from Onlyfans that have the new DRM protection enabled? Looking to download single files only, not batch downloads. I have a Mac and some technical skills, but not looking to get into the Console or anything. Thanks for any tips.
Posts made by randyisyomom
Onlyfans DRM Workaround?
RE: Downloading from JFF after they changed the video player
Piggybacking off this, does anyone know how to download files from Onlyfans that have the new DRM protection enabled? Looking to download single files only, not batch downloads.
- credentials?
Not sure if this is the place for this request, but does anyone have a daofile account? I just found a ton of "F 911" videos for download that haven't been posted on this site, but you need a premium daofile account to download them.
New to fisting - advice?
Hey all.
I'm a new fisting top here. I could use a few pointers from those more experienced. Not sure if this is the right subforum for this but can't seem to find one more directly focused on fisting. As many of you probably know, no one really wants an unexperienced fister fisting them, which leads me to just lie and pretend like I have more experience than I do. That said, I have no idea what I'm doing once I'm in there.
Any tips from the community would be greatly appreciated. I was with a guy last night, and he spontaneously started pissing a ton, he said more than he ever has before. I don't even know if that means I was doing something right, or if the urination is just a byproduct of the pressure, and to not give myself too much credit.
Tips and resources would be greatly appreciated. Thanks everyone.
RE: Kathy Griffin
If she was a household name then I could see this being warranted but we all know she's not. It just seems like a reach for a distraction to what is kind of a non-story. (See attached screenshot)
RE: Kathy Griffin
Where's the hypocrisy or double standard, though? The photo of her got removed from social media left and right on my feeds. It's just being reposted rather quickly which is why it's still up. Pretty much all social media platforms have had to double down on content like that since Facebook live's string of murders recently.
She got booted from her gig with CNN, which I think is fair even though she was only on there for entertainment purposes at New Years. Seems like things are squared away with a comic that the vast majority of Americans have never heard of or think is Kathie Lee Gifford.
RE: Kathy Griffin
It is beyond my comprehension how Kathy Griffin could claim that she is the victim after holding up a realistic bloody severed head of Donald Trump. Oh boo hoo.. poooor Kathy. Kathy's career is based upon tearing down other people, ridiculing the way they dress and look. Outing celebrities, etc.
It also amazes me that even after having every plastic surgery known to modern science.. she is still a wrinkly old bag.dude, it's a shock-comic doing shock comic things. stop trying to pretend like her joke that didn't land somehow represents something far greater.
it's nowhere near the news that people are trying to make it. grow up and get over it.
RE: I'm a "genital'ist"
Yep, I'm a "genital'ist" according to be the SJW mindset because I won't fuck people with certain genitals (pussy, in my case).
That's right. If you won't date/marry/fuck a person with certain genitalia, you are a GENITALIST. It's just as hateful as racism and sexism.
"I wear eye shadow, so i must be trans" Riley Dennis (and others) have made videos demanding that if you have a sexual preference for one type of crotch junk, then you are a disgusting genitalist.
Not one result pertaining to your point. Literally no one knows what you're talking about.
You're such an embarrassment.
RE: The moral high ground and the left
The left claim that they have the moral high ground, yet they hide their faces and use violence to make their point.
They will burn the American flag and talk about borders being racist, but refuse to burn the Mexican flag. It shows they respect Mexico's borders, but not the US's borders.
They can't debate because they know their argument sucks, so they are left with name calling and violence.
They hate Blair White and Skylar because they are real trans, not the liberal "gender trenders" the left worships so much.
They hate free speech so much, that they are willing to set fire to buildings that people are in, to prevent free speech from happening.
They believe it's good to gang up on an already unconscious, bloody person and stomp on them and beat them with sticks because they MIGHT believe something you don't like.
They scream "nazi" at anyone who points out how fucking hypocritical they are in everything they stand for.
They find it acceptable for a male cuck, er um, feminist to punch a woman because she asked a difficult question.
It's ok for them to pour piss over someone's head because they disagree with you.
They refuse to condemn the violence their side uses, even when the other side condemns ALL violence.
They believe it's ok to prevent emergency vehicles from getting through.
They believe it's ok for women to hit men, but men can't fight back. But they're feminists, who cry for equality.
They say that men who don't make sure their female partner orgasms during sex is a selfish pig, but a sexist if he does.
They think it's ok to advocate aborting male babies, and using the hashtag #Not Another Monster
They cry for gender equality, until we try to give it to them, like equalizing the retirement age in the UK or sex crime and domestic violence laws in various countries. That's when they get fucking butt hurt.
This might be the single most ill-cited, ill-informed, illogical block of text I have ever read in my life. I'd be so embarrassed to actually hold these beliefs.
RE: RuPaul's Drag Race season 9
Am I the only one that was not into this first episode? All the queens had pretty much the same style of drag. There wasn't much of anything to give any of them their own uniqueness or character.
No lip sync, no elimination, ru not in drag, kind of let down.
RE: Upstore account??
it says that my card (in my name) was rejected due to antifraud measures. i've sent a ton of messages to their support service who could not be less helpful. they suggested i pay in bitcoin which i don't think i have access to living in the US, and haven't been able to find a service that lets me buy bitcoin. Has anyone successfully been able to set up an account? I really want to download some videos I've seen there.
Upstore account??
I'm trying desperately to sign up for an premium account but no matter what I do it won't let me. Anyone have one I can borrow or have any advice as to how to make it let me sign up??
Thank you!
RE: Do you prefer top or bottom?
I've always topped, but I'm down to bottom. It seems I'm drawn more towards the power bottom type so I haven't gotten to try out bottoming really. But I'm open to it.
RE: Warwick Rowers Weekend Sale
Do any of the new videos feature Matt? I miss him! :love: