… I still consider it right that I have been given a time guideline - though I admit that the timeframe may have been a bit optimistic...
No it was wrong. See the already earlier given answers. It is just to variable. If you like something on the secure side, it will be much too long to be meaningful.
And the time which was given to you made you complaining. If it would have been 4 hours, you would have still complained.
It was not just the time thingy - although the topic title says so - but more the feeling, that I repeatedly ran into problems and made mistakes due to the fact that important information is) not present or not acessable enough easily.
Then you gave the topic the wrong title !
Nevertheless it looks you did never take the time to read the first page when one clicks "Upload" completely and the big / bold pages it links to (forbidden content list and the Upload guide), before you said to have read and understand by going to upload.
So I doubt, if it would be presented like you suggest, you would have read all the items linked in your proposal either.
(Just my humble opinion).
Yes, we have some cleaning and housekeeping in work and we read and notice suggestions. Unfortunately again, the staffing does not allow to implement these in a reasonable time to make any announcements. We speak rather in time frames of years.
Our Test section for members of the Forum is open to work and draft an alternative upload guide or any other guides. Or if you think you have a good Guide, it can be posted in the Guides and Howto section of the forum and may even become a sticky topic.
It is not only Staff who can improve the information available here, but the howl community. Doesn't sound that more positive spirit than the previous answers.